Go figure…

It figures that right as I start wanting to write and be more active on here again, OD would go down for maintenance. >.<

Not gonna write much because I’m on my phone. But there is a much bigger entry I’d like to write. Basically, been doing Weight Watchers. Lost another three pounds this week at weigh-in. I’m really hoping I can keep this momentum up. There is someone I’d like to look my best for, and although it will take some time, I know it’s possible to get there.

I should probably go to the gym today. I haven’t been swimming in awhile, but I’m definitely in better shape, so I can probably tack on another 5 laps. I never realized how weak my arms were compared to the rest of my body! Don’t get me wrong, they weren’t useless, but seriously, they were pathetic compared to how strong my legs and torso are. So I’ve been working my arms and pecs, lats, and deltoids. Already I’ve noticed a big difference. Hopefully this means my arms won’t be as dead after swimming.

Things are going well. Lindsey and I are still……… whatever… and work is great. My new manager is working really hard for me! I had more auditions this Fall than I’ve had the last two years! And so far, Grants says the feedback has been great! He’s super excited about the next couple years, and truth be told, so am I!

I’m working with Gayle again. I’ve been going since early November. The main thing I’m focusing on is why food is such a compulsion for me. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever talked about, and what makes me truly sad is how completely unaware and closed off to it I’ve been my entire life. I don’t know that this, in combination with the gym and Weight Watchers, is really going to help me finally lose the weight, but I hope so. I’m so tired of being fat. Of being undesirable, of having trouble finding clothes that fit.

I’ve made some huge changes. I don’t drink soda (unless I’m out with people, which is less and less often). And while I’ve been taking a lot of cabs to these auditions and whatnot, Lindsey has gotten me to walk a lot more. And going to the gym has made a huge improvement. No more huffing and puffing to come out of the subways, no more sweating like crazy simply because I walked few blocks.

This turned out to be longer than I thought. Lol

I’ll stop bitching now and take my carpal-tunnel riddled thumbs to an ice bucket. lol

I hope you all are well! Much love!

– Noah

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December 21, 2013

That is amazing! I spent time on WW and lost tons of weight and got my grandmother to come with me. She wasn’t willing to commit to it so it didn’t work for her. She called and got her sub canceled and told them just to cancel mine too. I always regret not just marching back in and reupping. It was positive and centering. Good luck and keep at it!

December 21, 2013

I need to buy tires and tubes for my bike. Having been on steroids for a while now (injection and pill form) I’m always hungry. So if I counteract that with some bike riding I think I will be ok. I also gained 30 lbs when I came off the topamax. But I will never go back on that horrible drug. Best of luck to you with everything!

December 23, 2013

I’m glad you’re becoming healthier for someone special, and I hope you are someone special enough to become healthy for as well. This entry was a bit inspirational, in case you would like to know that. 🙂