hur hur…

you know what cracks me up about my previous entry?  i would totally be a slut if given the opportunity.  lol

that and i really like kissing. 🙂  and i’ve been told by almost every person i’ve kissed that i’m damn good… 😉

so yeah… lets see.  had a concert this weekend.  a small community symphony.  we did the Mozart Mass in c minor.  turned out really well.  the plus side was that the other soloists were:

Barry Johnson (my former voice teacher… wonderful person!)
Janeanne Houston (my new voice teacher, love her!)
Kim Giordano (very good friend!)

its fun to be in a concert with three friends.  and so when we did our solo sections together it made it that much more enjoyable and hopefully sounded better because of it. 🙂

what else.  nothing has been going on.  i started the next opera with Seattle Opera and am having fun with that…

wow, i am boring.  i’m not getting presents for anyone this year because… well… i’m broke.  like seriously broke.  i’m not sure i’ll make rent this month… 🙁  that and my parents said not to worry about it and that they’d put my name on a few of the presents they’re giving. 

how horrible am i!  i’m taking credit, not only for things i didn’t pay for, but i didn’t even think of.  i’m so ashamed.

i have to admit.  christmas is not what it used to be when i was younger.  in previous years (this about 4 yrs ago) i enjoy and bought as much as i could for people!  i thought i was pretty good at getting gifts too… now i just seem to be stuck in a rut and don’t feel creative at all (which is hard considering i don’t have any money).  i don’t know.  i guess it all goes back to not having someone to give stuff to on christmas.  family is one thing, but not having someone special to spoil on christmas really makes it hard.

anyway… enough depressing stuff (yeah, like that will happen).  i wanted to tell a joke i heard recently (WARNING)

What’s the difference between a crack whore and a bowling ball?

If you really, really had to… you could eat the bowling ball. 

– noah

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December 20, 2005

LMAO, that joke is horrible. I’m not that into Christmas anymore. I mean I am.. but not as much as I was. I hate shopping for presents. It’s too much of a hassle. And I love kissing, and cuddling. Those are two fo my favorite things.

December 20, 2005

You’re right, maybe we should. But you kinda live far away..

December 21, 2005

That joke was so bad. I only like Christmas for the fact that I spend time with my family. Cheesy yes, but I never see my dad or brothers etc. so it’s nice to catch up with them.

December 21, 2005

you and me both.. well, i’m a little less broke. but i’m pretending that i am so i can put off christmas shopping until after the madness ends. i really cannot handle malls at this time of year.