Movie you NEED to see! **EDIT**

okay, i’m don’t usually promote movies unless i really like them.  thats all i’m gonna say before i say this.

truly good movies are rare.  like Garden State, or L.A. Confidential, Iron Giant… all these movies started out as limited releases and, after people saw them, were granted a full release.  well, there is a movie that needs YOUR help to reach a bigger audience.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

its great.  trust me, go see it.  ITS GREAT!!!!!!

Val Kilmer, Robert Downey Jr., Michelle Monague.  GO SEE IT!

i’m not gonna tell you anything of the plot.  you just need to go see it.  it was fabulous!

no joke, this movie is one of a kind and you must see it.

– noah

p.s. there might be a prize for those of you that heed my advice. 🙂  don’t know what that is yet, but i’ll think of something… maybe an embarressing picture of me (i’m sure my mother can find one… lol)

To answer questions:

check your local listings, or go here…

then click to the left on "Showtimes and Tickets"

you should be able to find a theatre that has it. 🙂  GOOD LUCK!

– noah

p.s. i’m going to my parent’s today… maybe i’ll find a prize.  but i already thought about one… anyone like Cookies?

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November 5, 2005

Where would we be able to see it? It wouldn’t be in the big movie theaters would it? Would it be in the ones that do independent films?

November 5, 2005

I saw an advert for it when I went to see Saw2, looked good! xxx

I wanted to see it anyway…but now I must find a way to get to the movie theatre!

November 5, 2005

Hasn’t been released here yet, but when it is, I’m THERE!

November 6, 2005

Oooh I like cookies! Can you gimme some Chocolate chip? I looked at the yahoo pages.. and it’s not showing here.. yet. I shall keep an eye out though.