leave it to paigey

to find the BEST survey’s EVER!  *big hugs to paigey!!!!*

1. You are in the Witness Protection Program and must invent a new first, last, and middle name. What’s your new name?  

Matthias Ramsey (i don’t know why… just sounded cool).

2. You are in a threesome with two famous people, one male & one female, alive or dead (hopefully they’re at least alive in the fantasy). Who are they?

hmmm… a toss up over keira knightley or natalie portman, and um…  er…  brad pitt?

3. You are in charge of naming your new band. What’s the name of the band? What’s the name of their first album? 
Burnt Toast!  (my dad always wanted a band named burnt toast…)
4. You are going to get a free tattoo. What and where is it? 
arm band, some kind of pattern that looks cool.  (so specific, i know… lol)

5. You are being forced to listen to one song over and over, ad infinitum, as a form of torture. What song is it?
oh so many it could be…  probably anything by david bowie or pearl jam. (sorry…)
6. You are leaving your state/province. What state do you move to? 
hmmm…  probably new york.  or perhaps chicago (illinois)

7. You are leaving your country (remember, you’re in the Witness Protection Program). What country do you move to? 
wow… france or italy!

8. You get to choose one book as the best ever written. What book do you choose? 
another difficult one.  The Count of Monte Cristo, the level of revenge Dumas writes about.  Wonderful!

9. You get to choose one movie as the best ever made. What movie do you choose? 
KISS KISS BANG BANG!  (hee hee… shameless, i know. but it really was good. lol)
10. You get to spend one day each as a bird, an insect, and a mammal. What bird would you be? What insect? What mammal? 
Peregrin Falcon (fastest animal on the planet!), (okay… let me tell you something about this next one.  my sister and i have this irrational fear of anything that crawls… insects, whatever… that should help you realise how hard this one is…)  potato bug, so i can roll up into a ball., blue whale (i figure, i’m already this fat, might as well go big. 😉
11. You must choose to go blind or go deaf. Which do you choose? 
this is going to sound really weird… but deaf.  i love deaf culture, and the fact i couldn’t hear anymore doesn’t mean i wouldn’t hear my music still in my head. 
12. You must relive one year of your life. Which would you least like to relive? Which would you most like to relive?
the year maija and i broke up… the year maija and i broke up 


13. You have a time machine that will take you backwards anywhere from 1800 to the present. What decade do you most want to visit?

1880s…  puccini’s time.  i’d be a GOD! lol

14. You must choose to go skydiving or very-deep-sea diving. Which do you choose? 

what an unfair question.  i have a horrible fear of falling, and i hate water where i can’t see very far lol.  (it would probably be diving… lol)

15. You get to return to the past (using that handy dandy time machine we were talking about before) and have a sexual encounter with a rock star who is no longer alive. Who do you pick? 
hmmm…  what if all the rock stars i’d want to sleep with are still alive (and younger than me… lol)
16. You get to be a contestant on any game show, airing today or in the past. What show do you want to be on? 
Wheel of fortune
17. You are given $1 million dollars but you must give it all to one charity. What charity do you choose? 
Seattle Children’s Hospital.
18. You must ban one word from the dictionary and all usage, to be no longer uttered or written. What word do you ban?
moist… lol

19. You can have 100 million dollars tax free but if you take it, you’ll die at the age of fifty. Do you take it?
no… cause then i’d never get to see my grandchildren.

– noah

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that is a damn good quizzy/survey thing!! I might have to steal that from you. 🙂

November 9, 2005

I’ve definitely been checking around for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and it’s no where to be seen here.. Hopefully it comes soon. I like this survey, I must steal it and do it (so be sure to come by and check it out). Also, I have a HUGE fear of falling.. I’ve started getting it under control though. Yeah.. I’m weird, so what?

November 10, 2005

Hehe, I cracked up at the word moist. I don’t know why!

November 14, 2005

” some kind of pattern that looks cool. (so specific, i know… lol)” LMFAO!!! I LOVED this survey! 😀 – Nicki

November 15, 2005

Really good survey. How are you doing?