Oh yeah, baby! (stolen)

Donated blood?
every chance i get (O+)

Been on a diet?
oy… yes.

Talked your way out of a speeding ticket?
never really had to talk my way out, but i guess i could say yes

Eaten fried pickles? 
*holding back vomit*

Lied to your dh?
my huh?

Failed a class?
*looks away* so… um, how about those local sports teams?

Been to Europe? 
does England count?

Read a book in one night? 
yeah, everytime i had a huge project due

Tee-Pee’d a house?
no actually

Opened someone else’s mail?
i think i have, but only on accident (thought it was mine)

Mowed the lawn?
grrrr… yes (damn hayfever)

Danced in a recital?
*laughs* yeah… riiight…

Eaten a whole pizza? 
ummm…. Yeah?

Played hooky? 
hell yeah.

Gotten straight A’s?
most of the time.

Swam with dolphins?
no, but been near them while in Hawaii (wonderful!)

Had braces? 
no actually… just some torture device with prongs to make me stop sucking my thumb!

Gone on a blind date? 
i guess so, it wasn’t really a blind date.

Been locked out of your home?

Yes, but the back door was unlocked…

Marched in a parade?
yeah… been a long time since though…

Been stuck in an elevator?
no… but could be fun *winks at covered*

<Pclass=MsoNormal style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”>Broken a bone? 

Been to a circus?
hell yeah!  love the clowns! *winks at covered again*  jk

Gone white-water rafting?
oh yeah baby!

i don’t think i ever have actually.

Wished you had chosen a different career?

everyday of my life

Been on a hayride?
oh yeah!

Avoided doing something because of a superstition?

Have you ever been on the radio? 
yup, lots of times

Danced under the stars?
i wasn’t dancing…  *hee hee*

yup… and failed miserably

Bought a CD just for 1 song?
oh yeah… and regretted it a few times.

Performed a solo? 
well duh?!

Learned how to play chess? 
*nods* love chess *smiles*

Lost your luggage on a trip?
no… *weary glance* i’m jinxed now aren’t i?

Demanded a raise? 

Hit an animal on accident while driving? 
hit a bird once… (well, he flew into my windshield is more like it…)

Stayed at a bed and breakfast?
all throughout wales!

Been thrown a surprise party?
no actually…

Saved someone’s life?
*sigh*  yes, once… but no twice

Been in a play? 
do you consider opera’s plays?

Had a hole in one?
HELL NO!!!  i can’t even hit straight!  (but i’m damn good a chipping)

<SPAN style="COLOR: #ffff99

“>Climbed a mountain?

no, but could be fun

Run out of gas while driving?
once, but rolled right up to the pump  (hee hee)

Served on a jury? 

Been seasick? 

Been to Graceland?
um, no…

Watched a movie more than 10 times?
oh god yes…

Taken piano lessons?

Taken a stress test?

*twitchy eyes* what stress?!

Water skied? 
no, but would like to try!!!

Seen a ghost? 



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lol this is funny

December 22, 2004

Well, England is in Europe…I would have to say that it counts. 🙂

December 22, 2004
