The Great and Powerful Oz!!!!!!

So I’ve come to a grand conclusion!

Okay, so not so grand, but very… illuminating…?  Sure, why not.

My friend Kelly stopped by today.  I really like her (this would be the one I spoke of in my last entry).  But, as I also said, we’ve been down that path, and its definately a deadend for me, which is fine.  I am happy with my current relationship with her.  When she came by (with a friend from High School), she only got to stay for about an hour.  But she’ll be back on Sunday.

It was odd though.  She loves getting hugs from me (actually, come to think of it, there are quite a few people that like getting hugs from me).  So I gave her a hug when she was leaving and flashed a harmless “I love you” in sign to her (just in case you are wondering what that is… make a fist, extend your pointer, and pinky fingers, as well as your thumb.  That is the sign for “I love you”).  When I did that, she made a face I have not seen before… Her features softened, and a very beautiful smile came upon her face.  It was odd, something connected at that moment (not in a liking, wanna date kind of way).  It was a look of pure friendship.  A pure love, that I believe, we both share with each other.  It felt really good.

So I am happy to say that:  I truly am happy with my relationship with Kelly.  I am glad that it is what it is.

That said: I realized I have no idea who I like, and oddly enough, I’m fine with that…  At first, it was weird, but now I kind of like it.  however, just because I don’t like anyone, doesn’t mean I’m not interested…  Quite the contrary.  There is someone that intrigues me greatly, but I’m not exactly sure what to do about it.  I guess I’ll just keep poking about and see what comes of it.  Probably nothing, but doesn’t hurt to try.  *smiles*

And with that, I will bid you adieu.

Bon nuit.

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hey….uhm…fun. you’re rather a hopeless romantic, aren’t you? well, i shouldn’t say hopeless…there’s hope for you yet!!!