For simplicity and ease…

I have decided to put my sims stuff here —> Not sure how to get rid of the odd sidebar but I will. 🙂 I just literally zonked out last night. I was sooo tired. Ha! But today will be different. 🙂 Each day is a fresh start, y’know? No matter what happened in the past, or what might happen tomorrow, we always have today as a sort of guarantee? Well… most of us do.
I think today I will relax and just play the Sims. It is funny bc in the Sims 4, your elder sims can have Meals on Wheels (or something of the ilk) delivered to them instead of cooking! I find that very cute! 😀 But I can’t say much about my house making skills… I see these girls on YT (one who seems legit, lilsimsie, the others? Wannabes.) and they are building these great looking homes… and I think to myself.. “Sam, one day you will build like that too!” The operative word here is “one day”… wait, that’s two lol…
It is going to be 21c and rainy today. Then on the weekend it will be colder and snowy. I don’t understand this but…
Today is World Pasta Day. I love me some pasta. I love spagbol, penne a la carbonara… that stuff. Yum!!!
Here is something very interesting, on another topic.
I will post an entry on RG2K very soon.