Good evening y’all..

So, today was a bit boring. A bit. Maybe a bit livelier than your typical office day, but ya. I gave Bees $25 to get me either sparkling raspberry water, or Vitamin Water in bulk. (And yes, Jim is fine as paint, love how he puts Shrute’s crap in jello molds! Classic!!) and some crisps. I do love me some crisps. 🙂 Esp. Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips? Yasss…
I helped M with her iPhone today, needed topping up. I get my Samsung fixed this Friday. I need to save up at least $200 for this.
I smell fire. Idk why but I do. Is there wildfires again? OMFG. When will this madness end??? Like really!!
Not good. I should get out to the backyard and take some pix… see if the air is yellow… dear God. Dear Whomever. Whatever. Holy crap.
As you can no doubtedly tell, I’m bored shitless. Ha. I think that I will just re-install the Sims 2 bc lately it has been fucking up. But a fresh re-install will help. I’m hoping that is. I hope that it’s not my CC bc I have a shit ton of it to go through…Â
Eh. Tomorrow will be much better. 🙂 This weekend coming is Thanksgiving after all! Hard to believe but ya… winter is on it’s way, and they are calling for a rough winter. But with El Niña (or El Niño?) idk… it would be highly disappointing if we didn’t have a typical Canadian winter… ones that we are known for. 🙂 Not to mention a green holiday season. (ie; Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever else is around December-ish. New Years?
Speaking of 2024, more doom & gloom. *eyeroll* But! I will believe it when I see it. I am a famous Doubting Thomas among my kith & kin. It’s just the way I is, naturally… I question everything!
Anyways, I’ve yammered on too much. G2G.
Love y’all to bits!