Well this morning just got the news my co workers son was exposed with covid_19. this scares me my son, step dad mom and sister in law were all infected back in may it was the worst 2 weeks ever. back in November my daughter was really sick she had a fever, her oxygen level dropped and we were sent to children’s in Omaha we were there for 2 weeks, we were released, sent home and ended up back in the hospital by 12am that same night that we were sent home, 2 weeks after that i was told she had the coronavirus they just don’t know if it was covid_19. I am just so over this, i wish that we could all go back to livin life without having to worry about getting this damn virus.

I hate the Governor of Iowa she has seen hundreds of our residents die and still have yet to put guidelines and yet she continues to have faith in the devil in the white house. i swear that man has proven to be the dumbest person on the planet and some how my fellow American’s dont see that. my fellow Americans only see the hate he brings and believe he is doing gods work. Wrong!!!!!

I know that people get sick and die everyday, but never did i think i would be drawing up a will at 35 just to make sure my children go to a safe home(daddy). my son’s father and i are not married but i wouldn’t chose anyone else to raise our kids. they way my children love their dad is amazing and i love how is has made the effort be in their lives more when he could have walked out of our sons life and he didn’t have to take the reasonability in resining my daughter as his especially since she was born after he walked out of my life first.

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August 31, 2020

I find that Canada’s guide lines are a lot stricter and we also have fines for not following the protocols. If I were you I would stay isolated for two weeks at least or until you get a negative test and I would not be going back to work till they have sanitized your work  and someone had deemed your place of work “clean” And maybe your work should in sit on wearing masks and taking your temperature daily and if you feel sick stay home.  I hope it’s not as bad as the last time. Stay safe.

August 31, 2020

@jaythesmartone, I wish I could, since my co worker is out I have to stay, I have no one to watch my kids so I am forced to take them to school and day care, I’m trying to work something out but what can I do. Their dad has to work and lives an hour away, all my family has to work so really I’m stuck. I need my job just like every hard working human being at the moment.

August 31, 2020


I totally understand your situation and it’s a tough one.  But what if you get sick?  If it’s any consolation I would be more then happy to have your kids and look after them and they can even do their school work on line here and you won’t need day care because I will be home all day….

August 31, 2020

@jaythesmartone thank your for the offer, I’ve been talking their father and my parents we are going to figure something out.

August 31, 2020

I don’t understand how the Republican governors have so much faith in the thing in the white house. Even my gov (FL) worships him. They just care about the economy.  I do wonder what all of them will do when he gets voted out?

August 31, 2020

@seablue4u I don’t understand it either. How many more ppl have to die. Do these ppl not understand when parents die they leave their children as orphans with no money and no one who will love them and take care of them like their parents.

August 31, 2020

Glad your kids have someone else who loves them! Go vote so Trump doesn’t get elected again!

August 31, 2020

Honestly speaking, that disease is scary. Jupeb runs

September 1, 2020

We all are going to be affected by COVID at some point in time.  I sure do hope it passes you and your family by.  You’ve already more than paid your dues.