Great news

Co-worker got her results today, thank God they came back negative. These last few days I was so worried I didn’t even want my babies to come near me. good I spoke to my parents and the kids dad, they all agree I need to leave my job for now, stay home with the kids. i am so applicative to my parents and their dad for being able to help me. I love my job, I haven’t even been here a year yet, and i have missed so much due to death and illness in my family, they have been so understanding i would hate to lose my job 😪 but no job could replace my children. SO i called my daughters specialist and she send the order i be aloud to work from home or remotely, if i cant i hate to say it but hello unemployment.

on another note, since i have to leave work for my kids, i am trying to start a small business, i have seen so many of those resin art videos and i have some ideas. im not a very crafty person but this caught my eye and i hope it works. i need to so something to be able to still provide for my children then having to depend on my parents or their dad all the time.

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September 2, 2020

I think what you are doing is what people should be doing during this virus thing is all eradicated and gone and under control.  I also think being home with the children is the best because you are no use to anyone if you are sick or dead.

And that idea you have sounds great.  When my son was doing his comic book he actually found an artist who drew his pictures for him and it looks great.

Enjoy your time at home and have fun and stay safe.

September 3, 2020

@jaythesmartone my son is into music which is great, that just brings his father and brother closer to each other. The funny thing is my daughter loves music too so I know this will be a perfect time for all of them to bond. I never thought I’d have children i had my son at 28 and my daughter at 33, so I will always put them first.

September 3, 2020

@sitaboo85 Yes, always put your children first. You are doing the right thing.