
So today was the first big snow. We actually had snow on the ground. I just love how my daughter wakes up, goes straight to the window and gets so excited when she sees snow on the ground. She immediately comes and tells mommy and daddy that there’s snow. Then her and her brother stand on our rocking chair and look out the window for a bit. It’s amazing how fascinated kids get at God’s beautiful gifts of nature. I knew I would have to take the kids outside today to enjoy the snow. This afternoon we bundled up and went sledding in the parking lot as there is the perfect little hill just out of the way for us to sled on. Amira and Tahir had a blast, as did I. All three of us went on the crazy carpet and had some great laughs. It was good fun. It does however get pretty cold pretty fast. Amira learnded that lesson earlier in the morning when she went out with her daddy to shovel the stairs. She took her gloves off part way through and came in the house almost in tears because her hands were so cold. Thank goodness for out little electric fireplace/heater that we got from Walmart. The kids and I love sitting in front of it warming up in front of the pretend flames. It does heat really good too. I also got in a game with my daughter Amira. She wanted to play The Little Mermaid game that we have. Overall, today was a great day. But the time sure goes by way too fast.

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