NoJoMo day 12 challenge


Challenge: It’s time for A Day In The Life of NoJoMo-ers! Either through pictures and/or words, tell ys about your day from start to finish.

So you all want to read about a day in my life huh. A hell of a day to write about everything that goes on in my day…. but here we go.

My alarm went off at 5:30am. I lay in bed for a couple minuets and listened to Chris getting ready to leave for PT. I got up as he was in the bathroom and kissed him goodbye as he left for PT. I dragged my tired butt into the shower and tried to rush it since I was behind because I let myself lay in bed. I got out of the shower and got dressed, changed my outfit twice because I couldn’t get something to match. Which reminds me that I must start taming the mountain of laundry because I am running out of clothes. I swear every time I turn around I have fallen behind on the laundry. I can’t wait to get a washer and drying in the apartment. That will help a lot in my procrastination.

But I digress…..

So anyway, after changing my outfit twice I head to the other bathroom to turn on the straightener and let it warm up as I go and put on my makeup. I then realize that I have fallen behind schedule even further so I run the straightener through my hair really quick, grab the new toy for the baby, my diet bar and run out the door. I drive, okay not so much drive as speed to work listening to the Twilight soundtrack the whole way. I tailgate some guy most of the way there because he is next to another car and refuses to move or drive faster and I was late, but I finally make it to work.

Its 6:45am

J tells me that Niko woke up around 5 and she just got him down and that he should sleep until atleast 8. Not really because around 7:15 monkey wakes up. Thats ok… I figure that gives me more time to make him tired so he will sleep longer during his nap. I put on Vacancy and play with Niko on the floor until about 9:30 because he is starting to get cranky. He starts to fall asleep but its so close to his fruit and cereal time that I try to feed him that and then put him down. He decided that wasn’t a good idea and cried and didn’t eat hardly any so I gave up, grabbed a bottle and feed him. Low and behold he sleeps for 2 hours. I text Molly and Chris to help pass the time.

Its a little after 11, when he usually goes down for a nap, but whatever. I try again to feed him his fruit and cereal and have greater success. So after that and getting him cleaned up I put him in clothes and then its back to playing on the floor. At some point I put him in his bouncer and eat lunch. Then its back to the floor. All of a sudden its almost 2 so I feed him his vegetables and cereal and then another bottle and takes another almost 2 hour nap. Strange for him to sleep that long, but he might be going through a growth spurt. But hey…. now I can take a nap too so we both sleep in the rocking chair.

He gets up sometime around 3 and its back to the floor. He is having a great time and is doing really good and we sit on the floor until about 45 after 4 and then I give him another bottle. He falls asleep. Chris calls on his way home from work and we talk for a bit but then I realize that someone will be home soon so I get off the phone and wait. Almost 5:30 and R comes home. He changes and then takes the baby so I can leave.

Half hour of overtime…. $10 extra bucks for me!

I drive home and call Chris on the way, but he doesn’t answer. I get almost home and he calls me back. We talk for a little while and then I get off and get home. I walk in the door and that amazing husband of mine has cleaned the whole place… vacuumed and everything. And he is making grilled cheese for dinner. We sit and talk about our day for a while and then he cleans up the dishes and we sit down to watch a recorded episode of Nanny 911.

Around 7pm I head out the door for my other babysitting job.

I get there a little before 7:30 and talk to J and R. Oliver is doing his homework and the twins are already asleep! (SCORE) So I help Oliver finish his homework, let him read me a story, brush his teeth, and then read 2 stories to him. I tuck him in and put on his lullaby CD and go out to read. I only have to go in once to tell him to stop playing and go to bed and he does not 10 min after I go in. I check on the girls twice. They are sound asleep and I check Oliver once… asleep.

J and R get home early and pay me extra. (SCORE AGAIN) and we set up another date for me to watch them. Saturday the 22nd at 5. Sounds good to me.

I get in the car and drive home, realize that I didn’t even start this entry yet so here I now sit…. typing away like a mad person while Chris is sleeping next to me on the couch. Poor thing… his knee is still bothering him and they won’t let him go to sick call to have it looked at. Grrrrrrr Army.</spa


So now I have to go brush my teeth and put on my PJs, wash my face and take out my contacts. Make sure that hubby has everything he needs for his ruck tomorrow and that his phone is plugged in and charging and the alarm is set, set my own alarm…. maybe try for some sex, which I doubt since hubby is already asleep, and go to bed.

So that is a detailed look in the life of me.

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November 13, 2008

what a long day