NoJoMo day 27 challenge

Well I already know what the challenge for today is…..

50 things that I am thankful for

1. First and foremost… my husband

2. The amazing relationship that I share with him

3. That I have someone who understands me

4. I have someone who puts up with me

5. I have a great house

6. I have 2 great cats (though one is driving me nuts right now)

7. We have 2 working cars

8. One of those cars is paid off

9. We can afford to go out and do things together

10. We could afford to get Chris a laptop

11. We have time together before he deploys

12. He has a shorter deployment then what we originally thought

13. I am at a place in my life where I am strong enough to deal with a deployement

14. We will be working on getting out of debt

15. Having a family like mine

16. To get to spend Thanksgiving with my family

17. To get to see my friends during Thanksgiving

18. That I got to spend Thanksgiving with Chris (we were apart last Thanksgiving)

19. For the friends that I have made in North Carolina

20. That I finally found a job

21. That the job is working out

22. That the baby I watch is a great baby

23. That I make $300 a week or more sometimes

24. That I am doing a good job at being a wife

25. That I am learning how to cook

26. That I was able to see Twilight in theaters

27. That I get to spend Christmas with Chris before he deploys

28. That I joined SG and made the great friends on there that I have

29. That I won’t be going through this deployment alone

30. That I am taking better care of myself

31. That I am finally taking control and going to see and OB/GYN

32. That I have artistic talent

33. That I have musical talent

34. That my husband has musical talent (becaue I love hearing him play)

35. For being able to practice the religion that I want

36. For being able to speak my mind

37. For having the ability to work and stand up for myself as a woman

38. That our country isn’t in a war that is being fought on "our" soil

39. That the people who I care about are alive and well

40. For my own health

41. For all the luxerys that I have in my life

42. For coffee in the morning

43. For soda during the day

<span style="backg

round-color: #000000″>44. For Aleve when I have horrible cramps

45. For health insurance

46. For being more mentally healthy then I have ever been

47. For being able to see, hear, speak, smell and touch

48. For being alive

49. For being happy

50. For OD

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November 28, 2008

You put OD last 🙁 lol