Ok well I am am going to try this,,  Write in this diary everyday for 1 month — OK minus 5 days because I was not aware of this,. before today really

Anywhoo.. I dont know what to say .. I am bored to tears because I am still at work.. My shift ends @ 6 and I am praying that nothing blows up or anything.. For the love of Pete i am not a techical person .. so why do I cover the tech support shift on saturday,, oh yeah because I had no choice.. this is the hand thats dealt baby.. anf lord knows I cannot fold.. I need the money


though its not extra Money.. just how the shift worked out.. every 10 weeks I have to work a  saturday.. 10-6 pm  Its almost 5 so I need to figure out a way to make this place fly by so I log into OD and ramble about really nothing


Time Check 4:59 pm.. 1 hour to go and no smokes left.. man .. this is tougher than I thought.. this building is so quiet as it is a skeleton crew.. Just me out here on the floor by my lonesome,, and a handful of others locked in the dungeon.. where I have no access to anyway,.. If a person screams in an empty office and no one is around to here it is it still annoying?


Ok done rambling



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November 6, 2010

RYN: His facebook is private. But I don’t really want to have an open dialogue, I just want him to know that I am around if he needs me that he has a friend. And anyway, I deleted my facebook account.:)

November 6, 2010

Doou mean is the screaming annoying? Who cares? Sream if you want.

hey ssej! I dont write over here at OD anymore. Go make a bloopdiary! I still read here, but never really update my own diary! Hope you are having a great weekend!