Saturday 19th November 2022

I woke up at 1.30 am then nothing until 6.50 am. This is unheard of. Got up and then slept some more between 10.30-11 am. Persuaded Ju to get up and take the doors off for the joiner arriving next week. He took 2 doors off and declared he was knackered. He thinks he can do these things and he just can’t. Duncan will have to do the rest tomorrow when he gets home. Horses are in a state with persistent rain. Mud everywhere. The door blew open and the back kitchen is flooded. Now trying to dry off the mats.

Julian and Mavis got post to say they need to make appointments with the doctors. Mavis having a check-up and Julian getting the results of his colonoscopy.

Got a phone call from Darren stressing about his move and the fish tank. I don’t know how I can help but I go over anyway. We move what we can and will go back in the morning. David wants £500 for it but Darren can’t see why. We will move it to the shed until it’s decided what to do. Hannah will have to commit to another £100 per month. Julian wants fish as well so maybe he’ll contribute. Hannah will have to organise a van. Darren says that Beth had to have to dog put down last week. They’ve also sold the flat for £122.5K.  They are hoping to buy the new house they are renting eventually.

Got home and Julian had made some food. I put some berry crumble in the oven, then forgot about it and burnt it all (as usual).

Sam video-called us with her new boyfriend, she had met online. He seems nice enough. Not sure he can handle her though.

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