Monday 14th November 2022

I’m shattered today. Literally fell asleep at 3 pm. Duncan’s bike has gone. He got £400 for it. Chris is in his new house so he’s hemorrhaging money.  Went to the new house yesterday and met up with Callum. He’s recovering from a cold and then just texted today to say his girlfriend has Covid – fuming. Hannah picked up Beryl’s meds from the vet. They had better work. She was crying and barking all night again and still won’t jump up onto the sofa. That’s another £58 gone. Car insurance needed renewed and that was another £225. The windscreen repair is booked for Friday. That was another £95. The £66 came through from the Government. Didn’t touch the sides of the overdraft but nevermind. Chester recovering from getting caught up in the field with his headcollar. I’ve taken it off now. Trying to get this staff project off the ground. Need to work on a Word doc and then transfer it to Forge. Must plan for this week’s lessons.

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