Sunday 30th October 2022

Woke up to find my washing line on the floor, bent, with all the washing wet on the grass. Managed to clear that up, then planned a day out before Chris was due back down the road. Duncan came down saying he could hear water leaking out of the shower. Soon to find water leaking through the ceiling in the boiler cupboard. Not insured! Apparently we aren’t insured for plumbing but are insured for ‘trace’ works. Need to get some plumbing cover now. The emergency plumber came round and said ‘it’s fine until Monday”. Julian hoovered out his car, got angry about stuff being left on the drive and drove off in a huff. Went to Logie Steading with everyone. Duncan stayed home. Managed to persuade Julian to meet us there. Chris found a good shop selling offcuts of wood for his new home. He went home happier. Hannah’s dinghy arrived. Julian went to bed and took to drinking the bottle of whiskey he’s stashed in the bedside cabinet. He’s taken to his bed early every night now, so he can get drunk without his mother seeing him in a state.


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