Wednesday 12th October 2022

One of those days when you feel emotionally washed out. some friends are having a potential break-up. Alcohol fuelled rows at a party (I wasn’t there), and have caused many a row, not surprisingly. I just feel like me and Julian need a holiday. You know the feeling when everyone wants a piece of you and you’ve nothing left for yourself? That’s been today.

Bloody Chester wouldn’t be caught this morning, so spent an hour trying to get him in for grooming. Brooklynn was in the field helping. Had to get changed because my feet were soaking wet (only had my trainers on).  Took Mavis to her first local exercise class. Repeat prescriptions were dropped off and Julian’s meds were collected. The dog was dropped off and collected at the groomers.  2 loads of washing were done. Homework for MOOC course done. Tea made and washing up done. A shopping list of new interior doors was sent to the joiner. My assistant for the school research called to say he had COVID and a new job and couldn’t make the school visit so plan B is required. Managed to find an old programme on Prime to show Mavis but that cost me a fiver. Chris called to say his new car has loads of jobs needed on it – new windscreen, and he’s sent an email to his Sergeant telling him he needs a transfer soon. Hannah back tomorrow from Fife. She’s taken a friend down the road to make up with family after the party. Hannah Whatsapped to tell us she’s bought a rowing boat and we have to go see it tomorrow night!



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