Forward Motion

Things are fine.

Things are in rapid foward motion with regards to school, community theater, and romance too.

It is now approaching two months that I have been dating Misko and I am sort of beginning to feel like an already married couple coming to a point in their marriage where things may need a little spicing up! He is such a vast change from what I was dealing with before. Where the issue before was that the guy I was dating never seemed to have enough time for me, Misko has nothing BUT time for me. I am not complaining, as I am thoroughly enjoying having someone to come home to at the end of every busy day, but the novelty has worn off much sooner than I would have liked.

But we must pick and choose our battles. I will not begin to make a complaint about it, however I do share with him my thoughts and concerns about us and each and every time I do, he makes an effort to fix whatever it is that could turn into a problem. That is something I really truly admire about his approach to us. If I have a concern, he immediately takes action to eliminate it! When mentioning this to my mother, she retorted "well I hope you do the same for him," and it was then that it dawned on me, "he doesn’t ask me to change anything. He hasn’t had any complaints." Wow. I was stunned into further admiration for him.

I am very content, but also very guarded due to previous circumstances. My skin is thicker than it’s ever been. Additionally, it has become increasinly harder to win over my affections. That isn’t to say I’m disappointed. I like the idea that I am not "falling" into love in the usual thoughtless manner that I have in the past. My affections must now be won, but because this new method of dealing with relationships is so foreign to me…I sometimes mistake it for indifference, or worse…..disinterest.

I no longer feel that sense of undeniable, all encompassing sense of passion.  And I’ve put this relationship to the test in that I expect daily to begin to feel something close to that, but only for someone deserving. That much, Misko is.

He spends every night at my place, and we probably have sex just about that much. It’s quite a bit of sex, and the sex is good, but nothing to set off fireworks about. Perhaps I am measuring it to the sex I had with The Phantom, which occurred on a VERY infrequent basis, because we so rarely were in the presence of one another., therefore, it was always building up to something! It is an area I soon have to discuss with him to improve upon. After two months, it is becoming too cookie cutter…and I am certainly NOT one for cookie-cutter sex. We did recently find a new pleasurable position. So, perhaps I’ll wait a week or two, to have that discussion ðŸ™‚

Money was a bit of a concern for a moment there, but I think I nipped that in the butt too. Calculate this if you will: he spends every night with me + weekends. I cook him dinner on the weekdays, and breakfast, lunch, dinner on the weekends. Add that up, and it equals a pretty hefty grocery bill, in addition to a hefty con-ed bill because when he is at my place we leave the AC on all night. Alone, I would not need it. I would not be using it. So, I voiced my concerns and that issue is hopefully solved. I’m hoping that the next time I mention I am going to do groceries, he offers to come with me, not just to help me carry my bags, but to foot some of the bill too. He did recently buy seltzer water and cokta (Serbian Cola) in bulk for himself to keep at my place. That helps! He also organized a romantic dinner last Tuesday evening where he made me a 3-course meal. Salad (tomatoes and roasted peppers), a Serbian dish whose name I do not recall, and dessert (Home made Crepes with EuroCreme – Serbian version of Nutella – YUM!). He is working on things…as am I. Together we are works in progress. He also gave me money to get a manicure/pedicure as a thank you for some of the many favors I’ve done for him (no, not the sexual favors….those come free of charge for him as my boyfriend).

The Sound of Music is moving along also. We are not nearly as put-together as we should be, but that’s how community theater seems to work. It is in the 2 weeks before the show opens that everything finally begins to fall in place. Sometimes it’s hell week (which is just one week before opening). I play Elsa Shraueder (aka Frau Shraueder – The Baroness). I get dumped basically. The movie version does not have her singing, whereas the stage production has me singing in a duet, and a trio number. Both songs are probably the most fun numbers in the show.

School is kicking my @$$ – no seriously….I’m just not into it. I’m at the treshold for completion and I just can’t quite bring myself to take it seriously this semester. Although…I seem to manage to meet deadlines even without really trying. It’s strange and I will question it no more! I’m doing okay as of now…and I’ll let ya know if otherwise.

My relationship with my brother seems to be taking on a new life. I won’t jinx it by discussing it too much, but I will say the long email, spilling out my soul, that I sent him about 6 months ago seems to have had an affect. First it was having them all visit me at my new place when we enjoyed an INCREDIBLE weekend. We took the kids to the carnival at the outdoor mall behind my place, then I treated all of us to dinner at a nice restaurant, and then we played games like a family and they awoke to a full buffet breakfast by yours truly. It was great. This past weekend I stayed at his place for the first time in a long time because my neice had her first ever dance recital! I hope the summer brings more sun and fun for us.

That’s all folks. That’s my lame update.

Much Love To All My Readers Always,
The Senioritis Rose

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