Happy 2’sday

I woke up too early today after a night full of bad dreams ugh.  But I am determined not to let that ruin my day.  I told Brie that and she said, “Good job mom!! I’m so proud of you!!” and then she sent me this saying, “You really have to discipline and train your mind.  Sometimes you just have to just kindly say to yourself “That is enough now. We are not doing this today. My thoughts and feelings do not control me. I am in control today I choose peace and happiness, thank you.”  I loved that.  Aren’t daughters grand? 🙂

I will spend the day reading and drinking coffee. Although I will go out soon and brush off my truck even though it’s not done snowing, to get a jump on it. It’s cold and windy today and I’m not on the deck very long, I’ll be so glad when it warms up in a couple of days.  I am still reading my power of positive thinking book and highlighting passages I want to go back to, I ‘d like to memorize them but my memory is just too bad due to the side effects of my meds over the years. I do get discouraged over my memory loss.. it’s hard to deal with.  The only good thing is that I can watch shows over and over and reread my favorite books ha.

Jersey’s school closed today due to the weather, I wish Logan had the day off too.. I do so worry about him driving in bad weather even though he is a good driver, there are lots of bad ones out there!  Chels works from home and Brie is at the sober house in group so I don’t have to worry about them on  the roads at least.  I’m also glad I don’t have to go anywhere today.  I put my errands off til tomorrow, I’m lucky to be able to do that.

Brie’s recovery is going so good-knock on wood- and she’s back to her happy and positive self, thank God.  It still hurts to think about what we all went through when she was using but those memories get fainter every day.  She seems to like the sober house where she is living and I’m so glad. Her ex-boyfriend really wants her back but except for being with the kids, I feel it would be a mistake.  Their relationship is too up and down and Chuck drinks, not that much anymore but still.  Chels is still with her boyfriend and it’s going good although we all have to get used to her not being as in touch as much as she normally is ha.  I’m happy for her though, he seems great although he gets depression a lot, I wish he would get on meds for it as it is obviously chemical.   Poor Chels, she has to deal with that with us enough of the time! Logan and Jersey are doing much better now that Brie is sober, they keep up a good front when she’s not but of course it hurts them.  Logan stays out too late and doesn’t get enough sleep so I worry about him but I guess it wasn’t that, I’d worry about something else. I worry too much that’s a fact but I don’t know how you don’t when you have kids and grandkids, especially with the life we’ve lived.  The best I can do is just simply concentrate on other things like just get involved with a show or something.  Sometimes I read but the days my bipolar has too much control over my brain doesn’t let me concentrate on that so I look for a show to watch or go out on the deck or whatever.

I guess it’s time to bundle up and go out to brush off my truck, brrr, it’s windy out.  I’m sheltered on my deck but it will hit full force when I go out. I’ll be so glad to get to Florida in April!  Have a great day.


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