It’s our Anniversary.


5 years woooo hooo. I can hardly believe it.  People keep asking me what I got for my Anniversary and I just say. Love and family. All I ever wanted to be was a wife and mother, well I once wanted to be a step mother and a Disney princess, but that’s another entry. 

Anyways  ever since I was a little girl, All I wanted to be was a wife and mother, and that is the gift that my husband has given to me. Over the past 5 years, 6 if you go back to when we first met, my hubby has been all a girl can want and more. He has been a Provider, a Lover, a Protector, a Referee, a conscience, a coach, a personal trainer, and encourager, a motivator, a  shopping partner, a classmate, an ATM, the voice of reason, a dance partner, a drinking buddy, a shrink, my right hand man, my travel agent, a constant source of entertainment, a masseuse, and yes even a hair dresser, the father of my child, my rock, my heart, the air I breath, my life. He is my everything and he has given me everything.

We have been through so much together and where I wanted to freak out he kept me calm. Having him there has made life seem so easy. He allows me to be who I need to be, even if I’m being crazy.

For him to be there for 5 years and still love me and still think I’m sexy is amazing to me.

So my gift this year is to still have the Love, Respect, and Desire of my man.















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May 4, 2013

happy anniversary to you both…

May 4, 2013

congratulations! Your goals are awesome đŸ™‚ *huggzz*

May 4, 2013

Congratulations! I didn’t even know there were men like that out there. Honestly.

May 4, 2013

Love it đŸ™‚ Happy Anniversary!

May 5, 2013

Great gifts to have đŸ™‚ Happy Anniversary!