Only the Feral

I was riding down the freeway Saturday and saw a feral shoe along the side of the road.  I started thinking about those feral shoes and how they need to stay in the pack or they get lost.  They are much like the feral socks that are sometimes along the side of the road.  They must stay in the packs for protection.

They don’t know this when they first go missing.  Socks are much more prone to this than shoes, but shoes seem more…I don’t know…more substantial, more sad.  Socks and shoes, when they first go missing they don’t realize they need to stay in packs.  And so we often find them along the sides of roads, alone, with no home.  And it seems no one really cares, except the person who is searching the dryer for the sock or the car for the shoe.

Perhaps we can support the rescue of these feral bits of clothing.  Call your congressperson and make a plea for support.  Or send me your donations.  I promise to use them wisely.


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December 2, 2012

heheheheheh You have to watch out for those feral shoes. They like to jump up and grab your car tires. Feeral socks are most always found hiding under washing machine agitators. RYN: You are the first person whom I know that has died in their own dream. I have come close in those “falling” dreams, but always wake up before the splat. How’s your back? Be well.

December 3, 2012

Thank you for the early morning smile Soph!

December 3, 2012

RLinkedIn: As I recall you sign in, got to My Account ans then Edit and somewhere buried on the lower right is Delet my account. In any event, I had to do a search after signing in to “How to delete my account.” It will tell you in the FAQs. Glad to hear about your back. Be well.

December 3, 2012

I used to wonder how someone could lose one shoe. Then one night in 1972 I went out partying with a group of other drunks. I was wearing my brand new shoes which were some hideous combination of red, white, and blue suede. I guess at some point in the night, they must have cramped my style –so to speak. When I got home, I only had one shoe with me. I imagine lots of feral shoes got that way due to alcohol abuse. Funny entry — although losing my shoe seemed tragic at the time. 🙂 Cute new profile picture!

December 3, 2012

So I don’t know if you heard about the YouTube posting of the NY policeman who bought shoes for a homeless man that got like a million “likes/comments” but then the homeless man was seen without shoes again, in WINTER, and he said they were safe were no one could steal them. Oh my. You post reminded me of this story. *smile* Thank you for your kind note.

If you feed feral shoes they show up at your kitchen door every morning begging for foot. I did not misspell that.

December 5, 2012

It is far too over-looked problem. With our do-nothing Congress, however, I doubt the Feral Clothing/Shoe problem will get the attention it deserves.