





it turns out sawyer has an ear infection. i suspected that’s what it was when he threw up again last night. *sighs* poor guy. he’s got some medication now. we made it through one year without having to put him on any antibiotics, which is pretty good.

mom and i did some shopping (sawyer slept for most of it in one of those carts with the handy baby carrier on top.) i had to return my boots to wal-mart. those people will take anything back. i didn’t have a receipt. i’ve had them for quite some time and i didn’t clean them perfectly. i found them to be terribly uncomfortable, though, and i still had the box, so i thought i’d try it. i found a pair i liked for half the price and bought some other stuff instead. i finally found TTO so my diapers will be bacteria free. i like the idea of that. if anyone is looking for it, it’s near the band-aids.

tomorrow is sawyer’s ONE YEAR birthday and his one year birthday party. besides opening presents and getting cake, there will be nothing he has to do so he should have fun playing with his cousins. expect many-a-picture. he’ll be getting lots of presents from my mom. i bought him a big bird DVD to add to his present. he has looked at it and was quite happy about the thought of it; he recognized the characters featured on the case.

at the party, we’ll be serving chicken on a bun, macaroni salad, potato salad, jello, possibly rice crispie treats ( i think i went wrong with them somewhere and they might not be served) pop, and snacks (including these neat cookies that the kids can "paint" with icing.)

we met up with so many people that we knew today while shopping. we stopped every once in a while to chat with someone. very strange. usually, we don’t see anyone we know…or we rarely do.

two more of my mom’s siblings have cancer. she’s lost 3 already. where will it end? one is in intensive care and the other is out of the hospital but on the cusp of getting chemo treatments. it makes me worry about my mom. she has had a hysterectomy because of fibroids and i want it to end at that. i wish all of it would end, actually, but that does not seem to be the luck her family was given.

back to the doctor in another week to see about sawyer’s ears and then, if he’s healthy, he gets to try MILK in his sippy. i hope he likes it, can handle it, and throws that bottle out!

possibly, for NYE, we will be going to k & u.v.’s house. that’ll be nice. a simple evening. we’ll take the playpen for sawyer and maybe stay overnight or something. that way, dennis can get drunk and we don’t have to wake sawyer up…if dennis feels better. he now has our cold and feels pretty crappy.

i have a few more things to take care of for sawyer’s party. since i got home from the doctor and shopping, i’ve put in laundry (needed a shirt), fed sawyer, tidied his room, put him to bed, cleaned up his toy mess, put diapers in to soak, packed some colouring books and crayons for the kids invited, made jello, made rice crispie squares, done dishes, put together his picture board (dennis drew a BIG thomas for me to put them on), ate, talked to SIL (the angel bought sawyer a booster chair for his birthday so we don’t have to take the high chair!), read some faves, and now i need to put together a tea basket (might as well–i have tons) and make formula…


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December 29, 2006

An ear ache on his 1st birthday? What a bummer! I hope it goes well anyway! Your menu sounds tasty. That’s great that the took your boots back lol. Our Walmart takes a lot back too, but the return lines are always reeeeally long and discouraging. : Happy 1st birthday Sawyer!

December 29, 2006

I can’t believe that he is a year old as of tomorrow. Wow you had a busy day. Thanks for the note. HUGS

December 29, 2006

Colby had an ear infection a few mons ago and had a huge fever, scared the bugger outta me! I’m glad he’s okay! Happy BIrthday little guy!!

December 29, 2006

Happy Bday Sawyer!!!

December 29, 2006

Awww he has to have an ear infection for his first birthday? Bummer. But Happy Birthday to him (in about 27 minutes LOL)

December 29, 2006

Well make sure you tell your doctor that cancer runs that bad on your moms side. Sawyer is going to be one YAY!!! Can you believe you were giving birth a year ago… doesnt’ seem that long ago does it… WOW. Have fun at the party… I know what you mean… what do you do at a one year olds party??LOL.. I hope not everyone is terribly bored at my house.

December 29, 2006

Happy birthday to Sawyer! (cause today’s the day now) It’s awesome that he went a year without an ear infection. Let’s hope he stays so healthy. Congratulations- you have a wonderful, healthy boy. 🙂 Awwwwwwww! There will definitely be stiff competition for most intelligent and attractive, huh? kristen

December 29, 2006

And way to go on pulling a fast on on Wal*Mart! kristen

December 29, 2006

*hugs* Aww poor Sawyer poorly on his birthday, I hope he has a good day anyways xxx

December 30, 2006

Oh, Sawyer is adorable 🙂 Happy Birthday to him! 🙂

Aw I hope he feels better before tomorrow. I can’t believe tomorrow he’ll be one years old. Sounds like your going to have a great party! Sawyer will enjoy himself!

December 30, 2006

Aww poor Sawyer having a ear infection on his b-day. I hope he still has a good time at the party and a good b-day Wow that’s sad about your mom’s siblings, i would be worried too Hope y’all have a good new years and Happy 1st birthday to Sawyer!!!

December 30, 2006


December 30, 2006
December 30, 2006

happy birthday to sawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sucks about his ear infection but i hope he still enjoys the party though 🙂

Well by now it’s Sawyers birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAWYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 31, 2006

January 2, 2007

First and Foremost: Happy Birthday Sawyer! I have been looking for TTO at Wal-mart for ages and could not find it. Near the Band-Aids, really? THANK YOU!

January 3, 2007

Hope you both are feeling better by now and that he was able to enjoy his bday somewhat. Poor little dude!

i’m sorry that sawyer is sick and about your mother’s siblings. i hope things turn for the better for all of them. you really do work your ass off, don’t you? i’m surprised you even have one left.

January 4, 2007

RYN: Thanks. You baby is so gorgeous! Happy 1st birthday, Sawyer!

January 6, 2007

Guess what, Sawyer? I have an ear infection too! So we’re in good company. kristen