



lilypie breastfeeding ticker



dennis is fighting today. i pray he wins. he only has one win so far and i don’t know why. once, he was robbed. that, i know. i was there. i saw it. robbed.

i don’t go anymore. it makes me too nervous. i just stay home and bite my nails instead. LOL.

he looked nervous before he left.

tomorrow, 6.0 comes out!! do we have to pay for it?

we also have beau’s baptism meeting. his Godparents are going too. he probably won’t be baptised til may. haha i hope the priest can lift him!! he’ll be about 8 months! goodness, 8 months. nothing like waiting too long to get it done…but dennis’s parents are away for about a month or so and then there’s easter, so that leaves may most likely.

my mom stayed over due to weather conditions. it’s just easier for her to stay here than to try to get home after work. winter sucks. i’m eating more b/c it came back again. *sighs* i think i get a touch of SAD. so much fricking snow, though. it’s no wonder.

beau’s doing much better. *phew* he seems to have changed his crying time to earlier in the afternoon though, during sawyer’s nap. *eep* that is NOT good. i don’t want to deal with it alone!!! maybe someday, it will end. i generally just try to nurse him through it.

what will i do if he is still like this when i have to wean him? i still haven’t decided to do that. i will wait and see. i think trips and visits and stuff in the summer will be easier if i can just nurse him instead of dragging bottles/cups of formula everywhere. i’ll see how my bladder is doing in a couple more months. 

this is all pretty rambling.


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February 22, 2009

I hope Dennis does well today!

February 22, 2009

i hope dennis wins. maybe beau won’t be so miserable and cry when he starts eating solids on a regular basis??!?!?! idk what his issue is. :/

February 22, 2009

Hope Dennis does well today!

February 22, 2009

Here’s hoping for a win!! =o)

Good luck to Dennis. And ur right it probably will be easier… in the summer time. What is wrong w/ ur bladder? Are you ok? I must have missed something some wheres

February 22, 2009

Fingers crossed for Dennis! I hope Beau grows out of the fussiness, I went through the same thing with Savino too and it seems like it got better around 6 months. I totally feel you on the inconsolable crying, it is nervewracking!!

February 22, 2009

RYN: I pretty much just nursed him through the cranky times, it was awful being stuck to him for three hours a day (which is about how long his cranky would last), but it was the only thing that made him happy or quiet at least. Nothing else seemed to really help until he was big enough to jump in his jumperoo, about 5-6 months old. I don’t know if it was just because he had extra energy that he couldn’t get rid of any other way, or a phase or what but from the time he was about a week old until about 6 months he would hit a time of the day when he would just cry and cry and nothing would console him. Swaddling helped sometimes, but it was so hit or miss, sometimes it wouldn’t help at all and just piss him off even more. So many times I just wanted to cry along with him and I thought my boobs were going to be stuck in his mouth forever, but it got better eventually. It just sucks! I know how you feel, especially when most of the other people you know haven’t been through it. It’s just really nervewracking! *hugs* At least you know one day there will be an end in sight lol

February 22, 2009

Nope! We’re not having to pay for OD6.0 (though truth be told, I don’t know if any features are OD+ because everything was in the beta-test). Be prepared for a bit of a change, but a good one! 🙂 Good luck for Dennis!

February 22, 2009

i hope dennis wins it!!!! *fingers crossed*!

February 22, 2009

That would be very nerve wracking for Dennis’s fight tonight. I’m glad that Beau is doing better.

February 22, 2009

Hi…I found you through “scrpbookers” diary, and thought I would add you to my faves, if you don’t mind! Your boys are so adorable btw! 🙂

February 24, 2009

SAD sucks 😛 I hope Dennis wins!!

February 24, 2009

RYN: I put a couple pics up. I’m usually ok with change, even hair change, but nothing can really compare to this. It’s very strange.

February 24, 2009

Finally! LOL. I was having trouble getting into your diary – this new OD thing confuses me. 😛 I could see your Favorites only entries but I couldn’t read them. Weird. But anyway, this one worked. 🙂 Winter makes me sad and eat more too. I am soooo ready for Spring!!! RE: Hmmm. I thought if they were numbing the urethra they would give you a shot (like the dentist gives you shots beforefilling a cavity). if they just put some kind of numbing cream on it – hmmm. That seems like it would HURT really bad!!! It scares me to death. :(:( My next urologist appointment is this Thursday. Guess we’ll see where to go next.

March 16, 2009

I researched SAD for my health class a couple of years ago. My professor didn’t like that I’d chosen that topic because of how we really don’t have a winter here. Jerk. It obviously affects others though. Just though I’d share. 😛