dress and first kicks

pregnancy calendar








i just bought this dress. let’s hope i like it and that it looks half as good on me as it does on her. man, what a piss-off though. i WAS looking on the U.S. Motherhood maternity site and not only was the dress $10 more on the Canadian site but the shipping was almost $3 more and i had to pay about $6 in taxes. AND our dollar is worth more. grrrrr. so unfair. if our dollar is worth more than the american dollar, why is it $10 more for me to buy the same thing???? oh well, it was just money from this stupid site i quit working for bc it wasn’t worth my time. goodbye stupid site, hello dress!

short sleeve side ruched maternity dress


short sleeve side ruched maternity dress

i bought some sandals (Dr Scholl bc i’m an old lady LOL) tonight and dumbells (just 5 pounders, though i can handle 25 depending on what the exercise is. it’s not necessary to lift a ton of weight to get results according to dennis’s weight trainer. he had dennis lifting the same amount of weight  i was using before i got my own little dumbells. i think perhaps that was unnecessary so now i happily have smaller ones to work my arms.) 



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April 1, 2011

Oooh…how nice is that dress?! We get the same thing over here with the price of clothing (I guess it’s because some brands are imported from the US, so prices would need to reflect that). Annoying though for us both! The world shouldn’t revolve around the US, contrary to what some people may think. 😉

April 2, 2011

Gorgeous dress! :o) xxx

April 2, 2011

cute dress!

April 2, 2011

Very cute dress!`

April 2, 2011

I love that dress. I do think its kinda funny that they have the obviously pregnant lady wearing those heals though. Its like when they have models for scrubs and their hair is all in their faces. I’m always like “Yeah, those scrubs would obviously look good on anyone if their hair was all curled and coifed like that”

April 2, 2011


April 2, 2011

LOVE that dress… with cute shoes, hair band you could wear it anywhere!!!! :o) good choice!

April 2, 2011

Cute! I could never pull it off, pregnant or otherwise… lol.

April 4, 2011

love the dress! good one!

April 6, 2011

I love the dress- but it looks too.. fitted, for my tastes. Although, when I’m pregnant, I dont mind wearing stuff as fitted.. around my belly, that is. Not so fond of it being fitted on my rear! LOL!

April 9, 2011

LOL if comfort shoes make you an old lady then hand me a cane. :p Cute dress!