sawyer’s track




lilypie breastfeeding ticker

dennis cleaned the play room out last night and put away sawyer’s tracks. i honestly thought he had put this back together for sawyer but they both assure me that he didn’t. sawyer did this himself! he put the stations on and built bridges. he put the road on for his buses. i’m not sure i could do that. i’m pretty impressed:



yesterday, we went to the fireman’s breakfast in a nearby town (our BIL is a fireman there) and later on, we went to a friends’ place so sawyer could play with his little friend 🙂 had a bbq and stayed for a bit. it was a pretty nice day out. saturday was gorgeous. this saturday is supposed to be nice too. right now, it’s crappy. we have chiropractor tonight so hopefully it stops raining before then.

the process of weaning is not easy. he’s not really co-operating. hmmmmm. doesn’t he want mommy to be healthy and feel better? silly bum. i don’t want to do this to him so it makes it even harder 🙁


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April 20, 2009

that is really good. Emma has a wooden set that we got from Target a few years ago. She’s going to be five shortly and still can’t, or maybe won’t build her tracks. That is impressive! Good boy.

April 20, 2009

That’s awesome, well done Sawyer!

April 20, 2009

Looks like you have a BRIGHT boy! I think I might buy spencer some tracks eventually

April 20, 2009

RYN: You know, now that I think about it the cute bra in question only came in B’s and I think there might have been one C. Not really catering to many people there! Actually makes me glad they make little girls bras kinda slutty now since that’s usually where I have to get mine lol

April 20, 2009

How cool is that! Perhaps a future engineer on your hands? kristen

April 20, 2009

How cool is that! Perhaps a future engineer on your hands? kristen

Thats cool that he can do that. Stick w/ the weaning, he’ll eventually take to it! And yes, in one of them pics… they look a lot a like

April 20, 2009

RYN: I was kinda thinking growth spurt too, since this is a total deviation from a routine we’ve had for a couple months. I was so relieved when he finally got on a routine. Makes life much easier. kristen

April 20, 2009

Oh, and he’s been eating like a total piggy lately. Like 4 8 oz bottles and 4-5 jars of baby food a day….I would never diary that because I’m sure some asshole would flame me…but he’s totally proportionate weight/height wise! kristen

April 20, 2009

Ryn: LOL well I didn’t rake it, and I didn’t use the leaf blower, so I couldnt use those terms. So I made up my own. LOL I’m not sure if it’s real or not, but I wrote it!

April 20, 2009

That’s so awesome that Sawyer is so into trains. What food did you eat at that BBQ? I want to go to a BBQ soon, but I know that’s not going to happen.

April 20, 2009

ryn: I knew for Sure that you would get that one off the bat. 🙂 Good for you. 🙂 *hands you a cookie* (And it’s fat free/sugar free because it’s virtual woot woot!)

April 20, 2009

Yay Sawyer! Smart boy! Good luck with Beau.

April 21, 2009

Wow, I’m impressed!

April 21, 2009

Sawyer is going to build railroads when he grows up! 🙂 RE: Yeah, I know I eat a high calorie diet. Sigh. I just have a huge appetite and I love high calorie foods. I don’t know how I will ever change that, sadly. I get SO hungry when I try to eat veggies and salads and stuff. I feel like I am going insane from the cravings and hunger. I did have a friend recommend veggie burgers so I may try those out. I haven’t asked my urologist if straining is “bad” but I have told him how hard I have to strain and he never really says anything like “don’t do that” so… I dunno?

April 21, 2009

RYN: I didn’t realize Alice in Chains was still making music either lol I guess their new singer is a guy named William DuVall. No idea who he is, haven’t heard him sing, but it’d still be cool to see them…not as cool as it would’ve been all all original band members, but what can ya do

April 21, 2009

RYN: We’re just out of the loop I guess. Yeah, I think there might be an actor by that name, don’t think it’s the same guy though lol

April 21, 2009

Ryn: lol I always do this after I have a baby though, it’s not *in me* to lay around/rest…especially when I feel SO good! You have to remember my body was in hard hard shape WHILE pregnant (pain like no other) so now that I have it back, I feel so good that I want to do all this stuff. I do feel like I have done too much recently, so tomorrow I am taking the day OFF! haha! =o))) Resting up!

April 21, 2009

RYN: thanks so much

April 22, 2009

aww how awesome of sawyer he is so smart!!!

April 25, 2009

wow, nice job sawyer! 🙂