this weekend






tonight, we are going grocery shopping. now that my stomach seems to have settled, i’d like to go out for a bit. i didn’t do class last night. i just watched. i just didn’t think my body was ready. i hate to miss a workout but…

tomorrow, i imagine dennis will be working. we’ll probably not do much that day but he’s going out later so i’m having a couple friends over. won’t be a big party or anything. we all have little ones. i’ll have to get snacks for it.

sunday, we have a family christmas.

monday, we have a family christmas.

tuesday, Christmas!

it’s so close. for some reason, it snuck up on us. we have decorations up. dennis is yet to wrap the presents.

we might be selling our dining room table. we need something smaller and lower to the ground. it’s not practical for kids. we bought it before we moved here and before we ever thought of conceiving sawyer. he can climb up on the chairs now though. if the guy doesn’t want to pay enough, we’ll keep it. i’ll miss being able to put stuff up there out of reach! i’ll have to keep my scrapbook stuff cleaned up better. but it’ll be easier since i won’t be jumping off a chair to get to my cabinet. also, it’ll make the room look bigger if we have a smaller table. that will help with selling.

i should be cleaning but i am lazy. maybe i’ll get dennis to help me with that tomorrow. *hee hee* evil little girl. i did do a bit in the yucky shower. curses on the idiot who put the caulking in wrong. yuck.


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December 21, 2007

yeah Christmas!! 🙂 Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year girl!!

December 21, 2007

Hope you have a great weekend and a merry christmas 🙂

December 21, 2007

Have fun shopping! I’m ready for Christmas to be OVER!

December 21, 2007

ryn: its pronounced Sha-von…one of my favorite names, especially because you seldom see it! ugh grocery shopping the friday before Xmas…that’s gonna SUCK (you can laugh at me when I go on SUNDAY *shudders*…lol)

December 21, 2007

I remember seeing pictures of your table. I like that style a lot but we were in the same boat when we bought ours: Spencer could climb the chairs. : Have fun with the girls tonight. Christmas DID sneak up on us. WOAH.

December 21, 2007

Happy Christmas!! :o) RYN, well, it’s -4C out now.. it was -6C at noon a couple of days ago.. It’s cold enough!

December 21, 2007

It’s a bit warmer next week though.. around 6C. Meaning no snow for Christmas. Boooo…. :o(

December 21, 2007

Have a wonderful christmas! xox

December 21, 2007

I can’t wait until Christmas! I love it all…decorations, church, letters, lights…love it! Good luck with cleaning…which reminds me…gotta clean up my room and bathroom! Eeew! ryn: I’ll put up my scrapbook pages as soon as I can. 🙂 They’re not so good, just okay.

December 21, 2007

Yay for Christmas!

December 21, 2007

Enjoy your christmas celebrations!

I don’t get what you mean by you get refunded for prescriptions for the same reason you pay only 20% for dentist. Dennis’s work drug/medical plan. Are you saying youi pay for the birth control yourself and than Dennis’s drug plan from his job pays Dennis back in a form of a check or did you mean something else. Does the nurse practitoner not have a doctor she works Thanks for telling me youthink if one can only have a PAP every 2 years b/c of medicare, that is what your doctor would do. They would still give you prescriptions for BC in between. I was just asking what a doctor could put down for a person to keep getting BC in between the years they can’t get a Pap done so that Medicare and Medicaid will pay and a person would only have a copay. IF you don’t know what a doctor could put down it’s ok.

I wonder why you couldn’t go to the entries I wanted you to read when you tried going to the begining of my diary. Since it didn’t work for you try the following links out. If they work for you please note me on them so I know you could read them. Why did you want to know if I went to elementary and high school? Most ppl in the US go to an elementary and high school.

What do you think of the entry Christmas 2007 Cards My BF And I Received? Do you get Christmas cards sent in the mail?

December 22, 2007

It really hasn’t felt like Christmas at all this year.

Now I see why you asked if I went to school. Why did you think I might have been homeschooled? I was not homeschooled. None of my sisters and brothers were homeschooled. How are you refunded the money from prescription drugs? Is a check mailed to you once a month for the previous months prescription drug cost(s). Why do you feel the entry Places I Have Been To is not my usual typeof writting? What is my type of writting? Part of that entry my mom did type out to share about a vacation we went on to Vermont with ppl she knows and I just used it for my entry. What do you mean by what is it for? I just felt like typing up an entry one day about places I have been to so that is why I have that entry in my diary.

December 26, 2007

Oh no…I hadn’t thought of kids when we bought our kitchen table. Hopefully by the time whatever is growing inside me is big enough to be using regular kitchen chairs, we will have a house of our own and room enough to keep our lovely table and chairs and someplace to set up Bill’s old one which is much more kid-friendly- and already has fingerpaint on it from 30 years ago LOL kristen