






what i’ve realized about work

i like the tips  DUH (they weren’t bad. $25.75 each so an extra $6 something an hour on top of $8.25 we get paid per hour. it’s not 9 something anymore b/c we have a liquor license now. argh. we split tips there. anyway, trust me, that’s good for a small town.)

my feet hurt and that worries me. 4 hours of work and i’m exhausted b/c of my crappy feet? uh oh.

i like being away from the kids for a few hours. it almost felt like time to myself…sadly.

i’m starving b/c i didn’t have time for supper. i ate a sandwich before i went at about 4 p.m. and haven’t eaten since. oops.

i sure hope i can handle the breakfast rush. i’m not a fan of serving breakfast but i figure if i do the morning shift, i don’t have to clean at the end of it like at night, i have time at home with dennis and the kids, and the tips are good. cons? getting ready to go to be there at 9. i am NOT a morning person and i don’t get to sleep through the night.

i’m rusty but not horribly so.

i don’t like serving ppl with kids b/c it’s my time away from the kids.

k. the end.



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August 15, 2009

my feet hurt too after 4 hours of work, do you have fibromyalgia?

August 15, 2009

re: you might not be eating enough throughout the day. smaller portions, more frequently? you don’t necessarily have to eat fruit.

August 15, 2009

Not bad, I miss the tips from my food service days, that instant gratification. But I don’t think I could do it unless it was my own restaurant, like I owned it, not anymore. I have no patience! Sadly, I know EXACTLY what you mean about it feeling like time away for yourself! You go girl, sounds like a good day!

August 15, 2009

work away from the kids is good for the soul. 🙂

August 16, 2009
August 16, 2009

i’m having major feet trouble. If you’re anything like me it would be worth it to buy some feet-friendly shoes and ONLY wear those to work.

August 16, 2009

awe, ur poor feet 🙁 yay for tips though! 🙂

you’re kids are absolutely adorable by the way 🙂 i want kids 🙁

August 16, 2009

You’re doing awesome and it’s great extra cash! 😉

August 17, 2009

RYN: Thanksgiving IS a while away, but I am looking forward to it as Nash will be 6-months and hopefully ready for real food :o) As for bleaching the dipes, I just leave them out in the sun for a couple hours and it TOTALLY does the trick. It’s seriously magic. I’ve never actually used anything on the dipes themselves b/c I am paranoid about ruining the absorbancy. What has your experience been?

August 24, 2009

Aww know what u mean, I love school and work just to have time to myself lolz