MY DIARY IS STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, you have no idea how happy that makes me. I don’t know whether or not OD still has the same policy, but they used to delete inactive accounts and I’ve lost more than one diary due to inactivity. And then of course when I was posting regularly there were the infamous 9/11 server attacks that wiped out everything we had. So realizing it had been so long since my last post I knew the chances were great that my thoughts, hopes, dreams and rants would be wiped out. With this in mind I steered clear of OD. I didn’t want to see that error message that my screen name did not exist. I knew it would break my heart. It seemed it would have been better to just never log in and simply hope that entries were still here.

Unfortunately, that’s the way I’ve been living my life for the last several years. (pathetic that I only now – this instant – saw the parallel) I have been avoiding things that caused any sort of discomfort of conflict and it has led me to a place I don’t want to be. So now I’m actively changing my life. A few months ago I wrote out a list of things that I’d been avoiding, things that kept me up at night and made it literally *impossible* for me to truly relax. I felt like I was imprisoned by these ignored things and therefore I named my list My Own Prison. I’ve come to refer to each one of the bullet points as a prison bar and one by one I’m breaking out of my own prison. Because of my drastic change in attitude (and with a lot of hard work) I will be out of debt next month. Things are markedly better at work and I’m finding that once in a while I can read a few pages of a book without the nagging voice reminding me of the many other things that should be a priority.

And now OD. The website of which I’ve been a member the longest. I can’t think of a single website that I now utilize that was visited before I established my first OD identity. I use my LiveJournal frequently. More frequently, in fact, than I’ve ever used OD. But OpenDiary will always feel like home. I love the community here. And I’ve missed you guys!!!


Wow… I wrote a heckuva lot more than I had intended. I apologize for the rambling nature. My brain is a wee bit fried at the moment. Hopefully I can gather my thoughts and write something a little more coherent for my next entry!

Log in to write a note
April 7, 2008

Well, hello there.

April 7, 2008

I forgot about my account for a while but too returned. Welcome back to OD!

April 7, 2008

Eeeee! I just checked faves updates and you have NO IDEA how excited I am to see you! Well probably you’re more excited your diary is still here BUT STILL! anyway, yeah… VERY good to see you, my dear. *hugs*

April 7, 2008

Yeah, you’d BETTER write another entry. And another. And another. We missed you, damn it 🙂 I’m glad that you’re doing better and better in life. I like your approach. I like your outlook. Huzzah to you, my friend, and much continued success.

April 7, 2008

Welcome back to OD! You’ve been missed!

Yay! Hi! 🙂 To be perfectly honest, I’m amazed they didn’t delete your diary too! But glad they didn’t. Glad you’re back! I hope that means we can keep in touch better 🙂

April 10, 2008

RYN: Yes, you might be. But then you’d be too excited to sleep, and you’d have to clap the light back on again so you could read or something. It’s a vicious cycle.

April 18, 2008

I would really like an intelligent, through-provoking response when you have the time to my latest entry from you because it has to do with mormonism, both modern-day LDS and fundamentalist denominations. Thanks.

April 26, 2008

aw! welcome back.

I unfortunately deleted a diary of mine that had loads of stuff in it that I wish I could read through again… I wish I had saved it to a text file cause even if I had just abandoned it, it would be gone by now because I had it when opendiary was freeopendiary. Glad that yours still remains.