Grandma, Me and Body Image

Gma Fri 1-29-1982

Raining today.  Tina spent the night here.  Charles come for her this morning.  David was down but didnt get much done.  Thunder, lightning and rain nearly all day.

Gma Mon 1-29-1990

23 and sunny We cleaned out chimney and stove pipe.  A real nice day.  49 for the high.  Velma called.  Charles hauled some water for his calves.

Gma Wed 1-29-1992

28.  Early fog and frost.  Chrales was down and got some small hay bales of his.  We said we could do our feeding.  I cut some more hedge and locust in the pasture after noon.  Upper 50’s for the high.

Me Wed 1-29-2014

Ive had a lovely day.  I had two appointments so I took the day off.  The appointment this  morning was with my internal medicine doctor.  He was thrilled with my weight loss and said I really didn’t need to lose anymore.  I asked if I wasnt technically still overweight and he said my BMI was 25 and ½ and he wasnt going to worry about the half.  He said the only place I need to lose weight from is my abdomen and getting rid of that fat is hard to do.  I still think Im going to try to lose eight more pounds so I’ll qualify for the healthy weight incentive bonus at work.  The good news is I have until November to lose it.

In the afternoon Angie and I met to do our February work out plan, weigh and messure, and then work out.  All the measurements were about the same and I had gained about 3 pounds since last month.  Angie is increasing my mileage next month in preperation of the half marathon.  She has me doing 10 miles at the end of February.  Gah!

In preparation of meeting Angie I did my homework which was goal setting.  Then in typical teacher fashion she didn’t ask to see it.  I set the following goals.  Lose eight pounds and then maintain weight loss.  Run ½ marathon by the fall.  Do boy pushups by the end of the yera.  Run a mile in ten minutes.  Be a Better Friend and Family Member, Pay of HELOC and refinance home loan to a 15 year loan.

Something weird.  Ive been about the same weight with maybe a ten pound up or ten pound down for a year now.  Ive tried on many clothes in that time and for the most part I’m a 12 but everytime I go clothes shopping I grab a size 14 off the rack and a large top.   Then when I discover they are too big I have to go back for the size 12.  I know its my head having a hard time recognizing that my body is smaller.   This is going to sound like bragging but for the first time in my life I was able to get a two piece swimsuit!  Its not a bikini, don’t think I will ever be there without some skin removal surgery.  

Good Things I did for me


Worked out with Angie

<span style=”font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; font-variant: normal; vertical-align: baseline; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(0,0,0); font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent”>stayed in calorie range

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January 29, 2014

BMI tables are misleading. The only way to know your actual BMI is to dunk you into a tank of water and measure how much water you displace. That gives your volume. Then you divide your mass by your volume, giving your density. This is especially relevant to you because you are adding muscle with your running and lifting but the generic BMI table counts all mass as equal. Deve has spoken. Dorie looks like she’s about to sneeze.