Thanks and stuff

Life is being as it always is, crazy.

The guy in my previous post is still in my life. We’ve basically accepted that we have feelings for one another but being.7 hours apart, there’s nothing that will come of it. We still talk all of the time. Every time I talk to him, I can’t help but be happy. I’ve never had anyone make me feel about myself what he does. Life is cruel because of the distance. I’ll just hold him in my heart dearly and dream of what could have been but just can’t be.

After coming to terms with the fact of what we were, I decided I should put myself out there and start doing things I enjoy and to start dating. I can’t really complain. I went on my first date and it really was amazing. We talked so much. We spent so many hours together. And we’ve talked everyday since. I will see him again this weekend. It’s great except he carries a lot of insecurities and fears. I am completely willing to put the time and energy into showing him that I can be trusted but I know there is a lot there. I just hope he realizes that I am genuine and can be trusted and will not hurt him.

Time will tell.

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