AN amusing little anecdote

We went to Atlantic City this weekend. We have a timeshare there and decided to spend the night to see how it is.  Hubby, daughter, her friend and I went down on Sat just to get  away for a bit.  we also wanted to celebrate hubbys raise and bonus. They were good, bonus was 8K. He gave each of us (me and him) 500 to do with as we please. I gambled and lost about 150, then out the rest away. Gotta save for that "rainy" day…….know what I mean?????

My daughter is usually a quiet child (she just turned 14), but sometimes she comes out with things that just blow me away.  As we were eating dinner on Sat  night at this very  nice restaurant, think quiet and sedate at this point….her friend starts telling silly knock knock jokes. My daughter in all seriousness says, (just as there is almost total silence in the room).






I laughed so hard, I started to cry. Just never expected it from her………….her brothers maybe, but not her….lol


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March 9, 2006

That is probably who she heard it from, her brothers LOL

March 17, 2006

That was priceless! My daughter is far from quiet…she always speaks her mind…I think it is because she is so petite that she thinks she has to have this BIG voice. RYN-I laughed at your comment about the “yammering”. That is exactly how I feel. I enjoy the time to myself, to walk at my own pace. I enjoy my alone time 🙂 How’s your son?