Not going to believe this one.

Last  Monday, the 22nd, we had an appointent with a lawyer to see if we can somehow get the tickets he received from his accident reduced. At the very least get the points down. So after spending about 3 and half hours there talking to 3 lawyers (the head honchos) I pay $2,500.00 to have them work for us.  You would think SOME of the seriousmess would rub off on him and his friends. One of the tickest was fr having too many assengers in the vehicle on a RESTRICTED license as he is 17.  After we get home, his friends pull up with 3 kids in the car….so of COURSE I say something to them and they laugh and tell me to relax……………

Later on, about 4:15  get a call from my 15 year old…………..he’s upset………………"Mom, you have to pick me up at Washington Police Station…………….Me, Alex, Ryan and Michael (yes the very same one I just paid all that money for a lawyer to help with his tickets), well we were in a car accident." Before I could even respond my cell phome rings and it’s Michael,  "Ah. Mom, I’m on my way to the police station, we were in an accident and you have to pick us up. No one was hurt so don’t worry."  Like right…………..don’t worry. This kid just had 5 plates put in his face and was in the hospital for 8 days, but I shouldn’t worry and it was only a month ago, but I must be crazy to worry. Not to mention freak out. Actually I was royally ticked off………….at ALL OF THEM.

SO down I go, and when I got there, the OTHER kids come to me and hug me and tell me they are fine. I get to my youngest son and he’s all cool and says, "why you gotta be like that…….we’re fine…it’s all good." I hug him then go to Michael and by this time I’m totally revisiting the hospital scene and seeing him covered in blood from head to toe, and he says, ‘Don’t worry about my face, when I saw we were going to hit I put my feet on the dashboard and covered my face (as he demonstrates). I saw no humor and said "good way to break both legs." Hs response ."better that than my face again, I am not going through that pain again." Then the jokes start. About how his friend turned the car so it clipped on my sons side, so my son says, "Mom Alex tried to kill me, we crashed on my side, he doesn’t like me anymore," and it continued. Yes, I KNOW it was all nerves but still…..So as we wait for Alex’s mom to get there the jokes keep coming until even I am laughing. They are all fine and the jokes are what’s keeping them sane at the moment. Of course I did have to read the riot act to them and told them they are not under any circumstance allowed to be in a car with with more than 2 people……themselves and the driver. My older son (yes, they called him too) says I should lay off the lecture, they’ve learned their lesson. so I start on him, who is he to tell me to stop, they are MY kids and I TELL THEM WHAT THEY CAN DO……..he gets insulted, but I continue with my little hissy fit. If seeing their friends in a serious accident didn’t change the way they all drive, maybe knowing that their best friend (Michael) just had to shell out all that money to fight a ticket for having too many passengers SHOULD have taught them all that they ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW. Then I turn to the driver of the car and tell him that he will probable get a ticket for having too many passengers, only to be told no. He didn’t and won’t be getting tickets. Seems he has a PBA card, and when he showed it to the cops, they took the 2 youngest passengers away ina separate police car….so it looks like they were NEVER THERE. How the hell are they gong to learn when the police honor a stupid PBA card? Makes no sense to me at all and I told them too. SO then my kids start on me…why can’t we get one, your brother is a police man……….I refuse to ask for one and I doubt he will give me one even if I did.  All it does is give them a false sense of right from wrong, I can do what I want and get away with it. I won’t do it. They need to kearn that there are consequences to their stupid acts.

As we are waiting for his Mom to get there, they inform me that they HAVE to get to the car and get the H2O tanks out of it as they can eplode in heat. They were on there way to an Army Navy store to get some things so they could go paintball. I guess they need the H2O for the guns to shoot the paintballs out. We finally get to the towing place where his car is but the dumb ass that was working there refused to listen to us as we told him we wanted to get the tanks out and infact the police TOLD us to get them out. He drove away from us in a loud towb truck to the back of the lot and ignored us. This place is totally fenced in with barbed wire on top of it so there is no way we can get in, his only comment to us was come back tomorrow, they’re closed. He then take off on a call. We call the police and again they tell us we HAVE to get the tanks out. SO we set up camp……3 cars and have alittle tail gate party as we wait, and waut and wait some more for the jerk to come back. He does, but goes right bu the place when he saw we were still there…………..and so we wait some more. Finally a nice young man comes back froma  call and lets us in with NO PROBLEM AND NO GRIEF. Then the okder man comes back and he has an attitude and a half. I did keep my temper though and let him walk on by without a word. I wouldn’t  give him the satisfaction of knowing he ticked me off.

Do you think they learned that they are NOT above the law and that they need to follow the rules????????????


Last night, all 3 of my younger kids, my son Michael’s girlfriend and another kid (that’s 5 kids) jump in the g/f’s car to go get icecream at Friendly’s. I totally flipped out. WHAT is it going to take for these kids to GET IT?????????? 

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August 29, 2005

Whew, your patience is amazing with this older policeman with an attitude. He must be very miserable. Young people….you can’t beat them. If you’ll be pissed, you are the loser. What I do is lecture and remind them that their life is in their hands, and pray real hard that they realize that they have full responsibility of themselves.

August 29, 2005

Aloha nui loa… Kids… SIGH…! Ryn: Yes… time…! Me ke aloha…

August 29, 2005

This too shall pass. What can I say? 🙂

August 30, 2005

You have every right to be upset!!! I would be thinking of some kind of punishment for the kids for getting into the car like that for not following the rules. There has to be, otherwise they will just continue doing what they want without any regard for the rules. I am sure they are all good kids, but just like my children, they have to learn to live by the rules. Parenthood…tough job!!!!!!

August 30, 2005

Myself, I think I’d be inclined to suspend car privileges, or else get my $$ back from the atty. I suspect they just haven’t had it hit home yet — I hope it doesn’t take someone’s being killed to do that.

August 31, 2005

As the mother of two young adult men – I can totally relate. It will take something else for them to *get* it – but never give up on the lectures. That’s what we Mom’s are supposed to do!

oh my gosh! how could they do that again after what happened? it is so hard to be a parent sometimes. hang in there.

September 25, 2005

suddenly, I am glad my kids are grown

September 28, 2005

Tsk, tsk. They don’t take life seriously. RYN, pranic healing is healing by energy, and it could be done through distant healing too. anything could he pranically healed, physical ailments, business problems, etc. You may go to htttp//www.pranic for more info. I used tarot cards (Adrian) for a reading. It’s fun and should not be taken seriously…

October 4, 2005

Hey, you haven’t updated in a month…wondered how things were going?! 🙂

where have you been?

October 11, 2005

Thanks for your note. I use Photoshop 7 to enhance/edit my pictures.

October 25, 2005

Oh man..