Redeeming Love and Peace Lilies

My mom has once again started a book club. This is her second attempt. The first time she tried, it didn’t go so well because she basically did it to get everyone to read a book that she’d been pushing on us for years. She didn’t make any attempt to show she had real plans to keep it going after everyone read this one book. So it didn’t work out. None of her friends really appreciated that. So here we are a few years later and now she’s trying again with a new book. But I guess she learned from before because now at the end of May, she wants to get together in a Zoom conference meeting with me and the other 7 people that decided to do this to talk about it followed by her drawing a name out of a hat or bucket or whatever to see who gets to pick the next book. I wasn’t sure I would like the book that she has us reading right now but it turns out, I really like the story and can almost totally relate to it. The book she us reading is called Redeeming Love and apparently it is being made into a movie.

The other bit of news is that both of our peace lily plants that we have sitting on either side of our front door seem to finally be blooming. We have had both of them for about two years and neither of them have bloomed since their initial blooms they had when we received them. One was from my husbands job that he received when his father passed two years ago and the other one was brought to us by my mom who didn’t want it anymore because she didn’t have the time to take care of it and thought we would do a better job. I’m happy they are finally blooming!

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