80 Day WLC – Day 16

Which part of your body do you want to change the most and why?

Oh, this is too easy…..my stomach!!!  I wrote before that when I gain weight, it all goes to my upper body, mainly my belly, but my face also gets really fat looking and my upper arms look gross too.  So really, I guess my body from the waist up, but mainly my belly, because belly weight is the most dangerous.


So it’s official…I have an interview for the job with AAA on Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.  I spoke to two of the attorneys I previously worked with and both of them said they’d give me a glowing recommendation, so that’s cool.  We’ll see what happens.

Work today was another nutso day because Lisa called in sick, so that meant just me and Sheryl, phones ringing off the hook, and a bunch of people coming in for appointments.  What kills me is some of the people who come in to sign their wills.  Now, before an appointment is even made for them to come in, the secretary preparing the will calls the client and gets very detailed, particular information as to what goes in the will.  Then they usuallly make an appointment for three to four weeks out for the person/people to come in and sign the will (because we’re that busy, and it gives the secretary plenty of time to prepare the will).  Here’s the part that gets me…..they (the client/clients) have had anywhere from three to four weeks to think about any changes they might want made before they come in, or something they might have forgotten to tell the secretary they wanted in the will.  You’d think that they would call the secretary ahead of time and tell her hey, I just remember something I’d like added, or changed, or whatever.  But oh noooooo!!  That makes too much damn sense!  They wait until they’re in the damn office, and the will has been typed up and prepared, and they’ll come out with "Oh, I want some changes made before I/we sign it."  WTF???  So the secretary has to go and re-do the entire friggin’ will while the clients sit there.  And then some of them have the audacity to get pissy because they have to sit and wait!  People really do never cease to amaze me….especially the ones that think we have nothing better to do than sit around waiting for them to make up their mind as to what they want in their damn wills.

So by the time the day ended, I was surprised Sheryl’s eyes hadn’t started glowing red with steam coming out of her ears…and I was so tired and irritated I was on the verge of tears.  But when I got home I changed my clothes and hopped on the treadmill and took out all my frustrations on it.  I took a nice hot shower afterwards, then had a tuna and avocado pita for dinner, and now I’m writing my entry and waiting for the good shows to come on TV.  It’s true what they say….working out when you’re in a horrible mood really does help!  I feel 100% better.

I hope you all had a good Monday….at least as good as a Monday can be…lol!  Much love….xoxo

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January 15, 2013

ryn: Saw that pic on facebook and had to laugh. That exact same thing happened one day when Trigger (the neighbor’s male horse that I take care of) got out. He ran around to the back of the apartments next door to the pasture and was looking in thru the sliding glass doors!!! Just stood there staring in…and I could just imagine being the person who lived there coming out half-awake, heading to the coffee pot, glancing up and seeing all 1600 pounds of Trigger with his nose to the glass!!! Would love to have you and Robin come see me, that would be awesome… Look out McKenzie… three of us together…. bwahahahahaha!!!

I don’t think a lot of people understand the whole process and may think it would be a simple commputerized fix to the Will on the day of the change. To bad that can’t be explained in advance somehow.

January 16, 2013

Ryn: don’t worry I’m not offended. My boyfriend does have a job, but he doesn’t have to be in at any certain time, so he can stay up until 4am and go into work at noon. He knows it annoys me, and he does stop, but then he starts again eventually. I just don’t get it!

January 16, 2013

GL on your interview!