
Not too much to say today.

I’m ready for the weekend.  Officer started a new job with what I think might be horrible hours.  I guess it will depend on his first full paycheck, which should be this week.  He says he likes it though.  I’m still on the fence though. But anyways. So the weekend is coming and since it’s a long one I’m going to Galveston.  I was going to go down today, but it’s so hard for me to figure out how to leave at the right time so that Vivien will either nap in the car or just not be so tired that being in the car is unbearable.  Anyways, with Officer’s new hours it’s compeltely possible for me to get up when he leaves for work tomorrow morning at 4:30.  Pack up the car and haul Vivien into her car seat and leave around 5am.  I can change her clothes in Maddisonville, which is just over the halfway point but where I normally will stop for gas, snacks etc.  This is kind of appealing to me even if it does mean that I’ll be ready for a nap about the time that she is.

I have no real plans this weekend while I’m there. Although I have been thinking about getting a new purse this weekend so maybe.  I was going to do some serious shopping for Vivien’s fall school clothes but the uniforms fixed that!  She’s got plenty of t-shirts and two new pairs of jeans I bought last winter on clearance that she hasn’t worn yet so with the exception of a jacket and shoes as she grows out of them she’s good until at least mid-Nov I think.  Other than that though…I’m trying to decide if I want to start a quick cross stitch for Officer’s birthday or just bring a book or two.  I might go with the cross stitch.  I think I’ve got everything I need for it at home. I don’t have a pattern though, but I think I can figure it out from this photo:

It’s a bit on the geeky side, but it says I Love You in binary.  He should get a kick out of it.

I got the photos back from Vivien’s two year pictures.  They came out so nicely!! Lots of smiles for a change, which is odd for Vivien.

I love this dress!!

And in this one the photographer wasn’t too happy with the location since it’s not really pretty.  But the look on he rface is just priceless.  Vivien’s a hard girl to capture looking happy so I’m really glad that we got this one:

Other than that, I hope everyone has a fantastic  long weekend!!

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Her 2 year pictures are SO beautiful. Have a great weekend! 🙂

September 12, 2013

LOVE the watermelon pic!!