Nojomo #4 Three Things

Three things I can’t live without. Hmmmm, well money. You can’t do shit without that, even in everyday use money is involved in some part of your life. If I had more of it, I would be so much better off, lol. Food, obviously you need that to survive as well. Without money, food is hard to come by (without stealing it lol), and going too long without food is never a good thing. A hangry person is evil, lol. This is why I don’t work in the food industry. Those hangry ass folks are so rude lol. And my cell phone. Ha, no it’s not attached at my hip like some folks, but it’s still a necessity. I mainly use it to keep in touch with family and friends, aside from facebook, but it’s like my mini computer when I need to look up things or do things when away from my computer. I don’t talk on it much, as I hate talking on the phone. I end up having small talk convo when I do, and I hate small talk. I like having portable music on my phone too. Lmao gone are the days of cd walkmans and tape players. There was a time when I said I’d never do a CD or a DVD, boy has that changed. I have more CDs and DVDs than I ever had of any cassette tape or VHS tape. Now I don’t fool too much with CDs anymore, since it’s all digital now. I still have my old CDs, which I need to bring to Itunes so I can put some on my phone (no sense in buying them again digitally if I still have the CDs lol).

There are a few other thingsĀ  I could probably use, but those seem to be the main things needed in life these days lol. The money part, I need much more of. Being broke sucks. That’s why I need a new job and fast. I just don’t make enough. I’m mad I lost my debit card. I think I may have left it at work, cause it’s not in the car and it’s not in my pants pocked where I had it last. I hope it didn’t drop anywhere else. I locked my card just in case it’s found. I’m about to call my job and see if anyone found it in the break room. If not, then I’ll have to report it lost and order another. BUH, so what do I do in the mean time? I guess head up to the bank to get a temporary card huh. I dunno, I just hope I findĀ  it, so I don’t have to wait for a new one. Anyway I am gonna get off this thing and start on the rest of my art homework due tonight. I hate getting up early on my days off, but it guarantees I have time to myself and quiet to do work without distractions or interruptions. I took yesterday off though. I need at least one free day of not worrying about homework lol.

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