Well this Christmas…

Is going to be boring and depressing. Grant you, we didn’t have a ton of money this time around. However, it’s just me, asshole, and the dog. We both got paid today. He had no plans. I know he doesn’t celebrate Christmas cause he’s a JW, but we would still at least plan dinner, even if it was small. He got home an hour after he got off work, most of the stores close at 6pm today and he is not making any plans for any type of Christmas meal. So I guess we’re just gonna have another normal day. I know it’s more so about being with family around the holidays, and I don’t expect presents. But this year it just seems like he doesn’t care. Yes, it’s near rent time, but we could still do a small dinner. It’s just us 2. So this is going to be a boring ass holiday. Comes to be expected I guess. Wish I had just planned to go home. Mom was gonna offer to pay for my ticket and my dumb ass was waiting to see if I’d get that call center job, I didn’t get. Ugh!!!

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December 24, 2020

Maybe you can go see your mom till after New years?

December 24, 2020

@jaythesmartone I wish. I’m beyond broke. When I get a chance tho, I will

Aw… big hugs