Wedding Notes-Response Cards

Jot its

Only about 1/2 of my response cards came back but yet my guest list is reaching now at 105107–I planned for 100 people.

Only got 5 cards back from Eddie’s side of the family 15 didn’t even bother to respond back even though I had a stamped self addressed envelope–Gawd his own parents didn’t even respond back–but I know their coming because his mother is growing my wedding flower garden. what is it with people is it so hard to check the box regretfully decline and drop the card into their mail box and push up the red flag

Or the people who I run into at our family gatherings and tell me how excited they are to attend my wedding. Hummmm I’m thinking in the back of my mind –the audacity of you not to at least slip that card into the mail….What is the problem people why is it so hard???

OH I’m on a roll here — the people who are so happy to attend but fail to write their names on the line that clearly states M__________________________ Fooled you! this one I was smart enought to take care of beforehand. I placed their guest list number on the back of the response card penciled in ever so carefully. You’ve got to be one step ahead.

I just checked the mail box–got another card–way past my cut off due date–but hey at least they resonded.

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Those things bug me too…People call me anal but I believe what is the problem with people not being able to do the basic and most common nicities.

That really pissed me off when I got married. I paid $100 for those f*cking stamps!!

I experienced the same problem last year.

August 5, 2006

Oh that would piss me off too! Smarty pants you are with the numbering! Lovely photo too btw.

August 5, 2006

That bothered me too at my wedding. Then you have the people who respond but don’t show up, and people who didn’t respond and do show up…It’s just stupid.

August 5, 2006

Great shot of you!!! People just have no manners anymore.

August 5, 2006

I LOVE this picture!!! So cute! I had the same problem when I got married. I actually had to call people.

Great picture!

August 5, 2006

Family did that at my wedding as well, like we can read minds of who is coming and who isnt coming..Good Luck on getting more returns…HUGS

August 5, 2006

I hate to admit it, but I’m one that is horrible about returning rsvp cards. I put them where I know where they are and never find them again until too late to respond.

August 5, 2006

Ah. Smart move! Something only a woman would come up with, by the way. Which is probably why we rely on you for more of the actual wedding planning. 🙂

August 6, 2006

I love that picture….but I’m afraid i am one of those people who are not very good about responding…..So I apologize for all of them….

August 7, 2006

cute picture! good luck with the responses.