Choosing to feel better

 Today has gone better maybe. 

Samara got me a silly dancing flower for my van. It is so stupid that it should make me smile but it did. 

We went to therapy, and I talked to her OT. It turns out her OTs are getting married to each other. When she found out she said gross. I am still having a hard time seeing it but I am happy for them. I am still frustrated with the whole therapy thing, but I am survivng.

I have been thinking about Samara, she acts so typical so often, and then she doesn’t. Then the autism shows through. Then the sensory shines through, and it is hard. I expect her to be typical because I know she can. Then she isn’t. I wonder if it is easier if you have a lower functioning child in your expectations? I don’t really. She has some ticks that are clues to her condition. She repeats things, a lot, and gets stuck on concepts or phrases. And as hard as she tries, she simply doesn’t understand humor.

Sabastian on the other hand is making fantastic progress. He can scoot on his belly, and pull to standing now. He sits by himself, and can feed himself cheerios! He is still struggling with sensory stuff as well, but with no OT I have no idea where to begin with him. He is so happy, and social thgouh. i doubt he has autism. I think he has other issues, but is not autistic. Samara was from birth, him not so much. He is still struggling to eat. He is so uncomfortable and moans whenever he eats. I wish I had answers for that. 

Are any of you secertly feeding specialists?

no I didn’t think so.

After therapy, I went and got a California Roll. It also mad me happy.

Then we went to walmart to buy cookie dough, also made me happy

Now I am enjoying a pepsi, while writting, makes me super happy.

Perhaps food shouldn’t lead to such joy, but it does right now. 

Tonight I think we are having left overs. I am okay with that, because it is so much easier than a new meal.

Then tomorrow we are headed to the zoo, and grocery shopping, and a nice lunch out. I am excited about it. Sunday I go see my brother preach and then a movie, and then Monday might be quiet.  

My sister is going to a funeral that day.  One of the guys she went to high school with was killed in Afghanastan last week. Such a waste, I feel for his wife and daughter who is no older than Sabastian is. 

I am trying. Trying is good. I just get so lonely some days. I wish I had more people to talk to about everything. Do you know what it is like to live with people who are incapable of looking you in the eye when they talk and struggle carrying conversations? It gets lonely. I am so thankful for the friends I do have, but I miss the days before kids and going out didn’t need a plan and production. 

Oh and did I mention Samara got into Horse camp? She is going to an Autism summer camp with ABAs, OTs. PTs, &STs! So excited for her.

Oh and Travis will be back to work on Tuesday. The only bad thing is it is in KOKOMO INDIANA. That’s over 100 miles door to door. Over 200 miles a day. $43 a day in gas. They are carpooling but still ouch.

So yes, feeling better maybe, I am survivng totally, this is just a lull in my mood, and soon, very soon I should be back to myself. I think I need to learn who that is, tell her she is awesome, and learn to love her even, when I am spoken down to more than I am told I am loved. 




lilypie breastfeeding tickers

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May 25, 2012

Thats not too far from me! Yay for trying to be happy.

May 25, 2012

For $43 a day it might be cheaper to pool money and stay during the work week in a hotel with a couple of guys.

RYN: Kokomo is about 30 to 45 minutes. we are about 20 minutes from us. We are in Fishers. I’d. love to get together.

RYN: I meant the museum is about 20 minutes from us. sorry I’m in my phone and it sucks for noting….lol

We dont have the plus 2 unfortunately, but i think we can get discounted tickets. i will check. Any day is good for us now that school is out next week. How exciting!

May 25, 2012

I understand loneliness. *hugs* <3

May 25, 2012

i see you OD is grey 🙁 i hope that changes. I know you might have heard this or don’t want to hear it but maybe things happened for a reason. I hope samara enjoys horse camp!! have you seen the temple grandin movie??

May 26, 2012

I know, I saw his accomplishements on FB, I am so happy for you and him@ Way to go Sabastian!!! 🙂 And I am glad Samara could brighten your day. She is such a sweet girl. 🙂 <3

May 26, 2012

If I am not mistaken, at least according to your breastfeeding ticker, your son is only a week and two days older than my son! Oh what fun times the breast feeding is right now. Only to get even more exciting! It is a bond that I adore though. 🙂

May 26, 2012
May 29, 2012

Doing little things that make us happy adds up to the big things!