Labor day in PIcs

You know there is still good in the world, and people are nice. I lost my phone when I left it on the top of the car, and someone called a dozen people in my contacts lists and brought it back. Amazing!

So, this weekend it has been nice having my sister home. I think Travis is worse now than before he was commited, he is back even harder in his games and is so withdrawn. All he does is snap at me, and yell at me for bothering him. Too much for me to deal with, he can not go to treatment too soon. So, having Bonnie around is nice you know. 

I thought it would be a good idea to get the kids potraits done, specifically Sabastians 2 year potriats, he had a meltdown so bad we got kicked out. We did get some good shots so that is nice. 

I think this link may work to see the rest of them…

But potraits with my kids makes think it is punishment for something I did wrong. It was awful simply awful.

Yesterday, I got to spend some time with my mom, we went to the craft fair. Friday I had a date with my dad and went to the cruise in downtown. Our town has the largest car auction in america and on this weekend touists flood in so the cruise in is like 10 city blocks, it is huge and so much fun. Really, if anyone wants to see some beautiful cars, my town made them. I am offically in love with Cords. 

Today was homework and cleaning, and painting!!!! 


It was a ton of fun, and my kids are too funny. Samara exclaimed we were the tarzan family. She said the sidewalk is art, and she is art, and her brother is art. She also said she can’t go to the museum because she can’t live there. I infomred her a few people have been on display in musuems. So, she said we could send her brother to one to live, because they would feed him gluten free food. 

It was adorable, she is so thoguhtful sometimes.

So, other things that happend this weekend. Sabastian had a horrific allergic reaction to eggs, I was cooking and he was at my feet, a bit of egg dropped on his head, and the rest is history. His eyes swelled shut, his face welted, and he broke out. I even cleaned it off right away. It was so bad. Food allergies are real, we are not being difficult or wanting atention. It was terrifying, and I felt so guilty. knowing I did this althoguh it was an accident. 

Here he is after some benadryl. 

I took an adorable picture of SIrris this weekend, a rainbow was cast on his face and I caught it. 


I have been feeling off since starting school, crampy and my breasts hurt all the time. I am considering making my own formula and weaning, they hurt so badly. I am not sleeping they hurt. between the blebs, and the raynaud’s I just feel awful. I don’t think I will, but I know this is just another part of my body changing with nursing less and less. I will survive… 

I am working on my research project, and compling the online interveiw now. I will have it up soon, I hope people will participate, even though it is an uncomfortable sunject. 

 And with that Sirris is losing his mind… 

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Your children are adorable.

Love the rainbow pictures and the professional ones. I clicked the link and looked at the others–beautiful kiddos. 🙂 How is Sabastian doing now?

I’m so sorry that your photo shoot turned out o horrible, but they look great! One day you’ll feel less negative about that shoot. Trust me. Also, I’m glad you got your phone back. Hang in there! You do have a lot on your plate. Keep breathing!

September 3, 2013

Poor little guy… but I love the painting pictures. Gabe is a full-body painter, too. 🙂 It’s the best parts of childhood.

RYN: sure…what kind of study?