06-17-71 to 10-08-12 :-(

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My sister passed away from breast cancer on the 8th at 7:20 p.m. She was only 41. 🙁 She had gone into hospice on the Thursday before (or Friday, depending on who you ask)and passed away the Monday after. My brother-in-law called to let us know he thought she only had a few hours left (at 7:06 p.m. according to our caller i.d.)and she died as we were pulling into the parking lot and parking. I didn’t get to say goodbye… 🙁


Then on the 20th was my friend Missa’s son Joey’s 14th birthday party and me, Missa, her sister Amanda and Missa’s ex-boyfriend Larry’s daughter Kelly went to a liquor store and bought some liquor. We went back to Missa’s house (where the party was)and proceeded to drink. I had 12 shots in a medium sized shot glass and immediately felt horrible. I threw up a few times outside and once in Missa’s bathroom. Then the lower right side of my back started hurting a lot. I knew something was wrong but Jimmy said it was just the alcohol and that I should take an aspirin, have a hot bath and get some sleep and I’d feel better. Hours went by but the pain was still there. I finally convinced Jimmy to take me to the emergency room because I told him something’s wrong. We couldn’t get the kids to wake up so we left them home – Wesley’s 13 so legally it’s okay. They took blood, tried to start an IV on me but couldn’t on my left arm (they tried my hand as well but it didn’t go in right and I bled a lot)so I laid down and they got one in my right arm. Then they sent me over to the emergency room in Hillsboro where I waited in a bed in the emergency room for them to bring me in for a CAT scan. It said I had two kidney stones, one of which was blocking the entrance to my bladder (which is why I was in such pain)so then I got admitted, had surgery, recovered for a few hours and then they sent me home around 14 hours after I got to Forest Grove/Hillsboro. I have to have the stent removed on November 9th, then I guess we’ll talk about what to do about the other kidney stone which is still in my kidney. According to the doctor what happened would have happened eventually but the alcohol sped up the process because alcohol dehydrates you. In a way what happened was good because the kidney stones would have just gotten bigger…


I’m glad I don’t drink that often and when I do it isn’t usually anything hard. I’ll still to my fruity flavored stuff and leave the hard stuff to other people.

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