I Gotta Stop Prioritizing People

Okay, I’m back. I think lol

My grandma was very superstitious, so growing up, she told me a bunch of wild things. One thing she told me never to do was to cut my hair or cut my nails at night. She never said why. Well, I just cut my nails not that long ago, and it’s night. I just can’t type (or do anything, basically) when they are even a tad bit long. I don’t know how people will fancy long nails do it. I always wanted to get my nails done, but I just know I can’t function haha.

These past couple of weeks have been pretty tough. I’ve made so many realizations, and as much as they hurt, I’m glad they happened. No matter what, I’d always want the truth no matter how much it hurts. What’s the point in living a lie?

I always tend to make people my priority, even if we aren’t that close. It’s not something I think about, it’s something that just kind of happens, and I’ve done this ever since I was little. I’ll still care about people (I always will), I just have to learn to not make them a priority.

The whole setting boundaries and cutting ties with certain people and things will be a difficult, but it’ll probably be necessary in this journey. The entire month of July has been brutal, but I think it’s the result of all of the things I’ve allowed. Time to move forward.

I want to try to be better at writing in here too. I admit that I was thinking of going away, but I don’t want to give up on what I started so soon. I guess I just got discouraged for a bit.

Here’s to a brand new work week. I really like the new schedule that I’ve set for myself. I think I’m keeping it. I have a new project to focus on as well. Besides work, I have some other things that I’d like to focus on as well. I’m currently writing a poetry book, and I want to get back into reading. I like the idea of going on adventures and getting lost in books. Right now, Stephen King’s Fairy Tale has my interest.



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August 7, 2023

is that you??  darling!

I had book club years ago – I created it to force myself to 1) read, and 2) read things I wouldn’t pick for myself.  I loved it.  I know I need to carve out more time for reading.  Like many, I spend way too much time on my phone; playing games, reading junk, cruising social media.  I have books to read, just no discipline to do so.  I’ve read a few Stephen King books, is this one out there?  He is so talented, but sometimes his stuff is so out there.

I don’t understand the long nail thing either.  I can’t type when they get long, I keep mine at “active” length.  I find it very interesting she said never to cut at night.  I wonder why???  I always either cut @ work, or at night.

I think it’s healthy to make people a priority if they make you a priority, or if it’s close family.  My dad never made time for me as a kid, but I do him.  I know he needs me/his kids right now.

Anyway, I’m glad you’re sticking around, I just found you 🙂

August 8, 2023

@strawberryjelly aww thank you 🙂

This is actually my first Stephen King book, and he has a way of drawing you in! haha. So far it’s not too out there but I know it’s probably leading to it. I also caught myself mindlessly scrolling on my phone, so I decided to get back into reading. When I’m on the internet, I try to do useful things like writing, following things on social media that are inspirational, but I like the escape from a book. Most books I’ve been reading have been those self-help type. They are good, but I miss that escape from certain genres haha.

And thank you for your kind words. You are actually one of the reasons why I decided to keep going here. Thank you for what you do here 🙂

August 8, 2023

@tea-for-one-please thanks!  We need people in our corner, this place should be that…we share our secrets here, we need support 🙂

I have read a few: Thinner, Rose Madder (<–loved), I started IT but couldn’t get into it and I feel like some other’s…but can’t recall at the moment.  I gravitate toward non-fiction and biographies a lot.  I am also into WWII memoirs, I know – boring!  LOL

August 8, 2023

I love Stephen King’s “Eyes of the Dragon”  which is a good fairy tale in itself.   I’m glad you’re here and writing. lovely pictures!

August 9, 2023

@thelastdruid thank you 🙂 I will definitely have to check out Eyes of the Dragon!

August 10, 2023

Hi, thank you for commenting on my first post.  I hope you enjoy your day… this site is pretty cool