Mini Plot Twist

I do my best to plan my week ahead of time, but this week was definitely one of those weeks where nothing went as planned haha. But life is certainly teaching me to learn to be more flexible and spontaneous. As a structured creature of habit, this has been a tough task, but also one that I need so much.

Mini plot twist: I have to rearrange my work schedule hours once again, since the maintenance schedule has changed. Aw great haha. I was loving the new schedule I set for myself. Maybe it’s a sign from somewhere that I need to stop working night hours! Haha But what else is a loner like me to do? Oh I’m about to do that after I write this. 

Mom finally had her eye surgery yesterday. She is still considered legally blind, but her “good” eye was slowly getting worse and worse these past couple of years. It worried me a lot. It got to the point where she could barely do anything without the help of somebody else. I would feel guilty for doing anything because I’d be worried about her the whole time. 

Although her vision isn’t really restored, a tiny bit of it is, and that’s enough to make her happy. She said she was so happy to be able to see me a little better haha. She told me, “I know why people are drawn to you. You have a very happy face” hahaha. 

My anxiety has been present this week, but I feel things getting better slowly. I deal with high functioning depression, and anxiety that makes me physically weak, but during this journey, my goal is to navigate through life as normal as I possibly can. 

Things always end up falling into place. I have to remember that.

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August 11, 2023

it’s interesting how life ebbs and flows, chaos, them calm, then turmoil, then peace…at least my life seems to be cyclical that way.  With both my parents 80+, I am preparing for the future…a very sad future (not that you can really prepare yourself for that kind of loss).

August 11, 2023

And…how wonderful it must’ve been for your mother to be able to see you better.