
I can see how people…other people, not Me people. Will base thier lives on fate. It was fate that brought us together. it was fate that made me take the later bus that day and I met my best friend. It was just fate! Well I for one would like to stand proudly upon my computer chair and state in a loud and clear well pronounced voice

" Fuck you fate! " ………..( pause)

** me swearing at the broken computer chair while rubbing the hip that i used to brace the crash into my drum kit.**

One might think that by me making the above Fuck you statement that I choose to tempt fate…Well fuck that too. I chalenge it.  I challenge my fate.

Right now my life looks like this.

I’m alone with no looks of that changing anytime soon.

I work in a job that is known to take more than a few years off a fellas life.

I live in an area where the cancer rate is through the fucking roof.

I’ve no earnable skills besides with my hands, so if my job tanks…which it looks like it will, with the thousands of jobs already lost in my trade this year. My future isn’t looking bright. Un-employment is a possible future.

Some people. Once again , not Me people. Would say that my fate is sealed. Not me..No no! I say " Fuck you fate."

** This time I opt for making the above statement while seated in front of the key board…on a kitchen chair. There is going to be a bruise on my friggin hip.**

I have to chalenge that. If thats my fate and it’s sealed…I’m fucked. At this moment in time I’d have to say i’m not too pleased with that outcome. This is definatly a chalenge time if there ever was one. But here…here inlies the inner and true meaning of it all. ( or maybe not I’m a little buzzed ) My dilema if you will. I used all mine up…I need a challenge. Does any one have chalenge for me. It may have seemed like a great idea at the time to challenge my best friend in highschool to snort a line of mustard. But now…Not too smart. Or the time I challenged my budies to a dog fight and ended up with the " Rolly Polly" with the gap tooth while they all picked up decent looking chicks. I still claim a victory in this chllenge although I use it to show as a loss. Or how about the time ….lol…no. I can’t even tell about that time in

Basically I’m in need of a challenge.

** Looks at busted computer chair and calls it a duchebag.**

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June 5, 2007

Thas tha spiri’!