It’s Been a While

Yup it’s been quite a while since I’ve been here.

Just spent the last half hour breezing through some of my entries and all I can say is WOW…I’m a fucking whack job…or was a whack job…Or possibly still a whack job but so fucking whacked that I don’t even realize it. I’m going to go with the last one, it seems to make the most sense.

So where have I been? Well you nosy fuckers that’s a long story. I actually haven’t even decided if I still want to write in here or not but I can tell you this much…That asshole you see in my diary picture is a distant memory, he would usually drink a bottle of Jack and smoke massive quantities of herb on a weekly basis. He was angry or at least pissed off the majority of his days….Oh and he would sleep with just about anything with a heart beat.

Now he’s lucky if he drinks a 6 pack in a month, he still burns the occasional joint here and there, but only if the circumstances allow for it. He is no longer a whore, well that not entirely true, once a whore always a whore, just now it’s only with one woman…He’s fucking engaged!!!! I know…Un-fucking-believable! lol…freaky eh?

Okay, take a few deep breaths let it all sink in, this next part might shock a few of you that have read any of my previous entries. I highly doubt any of those people are still around. So here it is.

I somehow managed to become the father to a 12 year old girl,( my fiances’ daughter ). ***FUCK***

lol…Anyway, like I said. I’m not sure if I’m here for a while or just popping in…Your a smart bunch, you’ll figure it out.

Later Fuckers.

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