Tea and Honey

Oh man! Pepermint tea with a big old whop of honey in a large mug that you can wrap your hands around to warm up after you get done clearing the snow off the driveway…That heavey thick packing snow. Heart attack snow. Your out there for hours clearing that white crap off the property and your chilled to the bone. That cup of tea and honey is the greatest thing on the planet. Your hands warm up, you can feel your insides warming up. It’s like Mom was there hugging you and helping you take you snowboots off all over again. By far, the sugary part at the bottom of the cup is always the best. It almost…Almost makes you forget that you burnt your fucking tongue on the first sip. Nothing is going to taste right for the rest of the day. A nice hot cup of pepermint tea and a burnt fucking tongue. Fuck if that doesn’t sum my life as of late up nicely.

Don’t know if i’m back or just dropping in

Hi and Bye Fuckers.

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