Smaller Chapter Changes

Hope those of you in the States are enjoying your Thanksgiving. Thanks very much to all of you who left notes and best wishes – DiaryMistress, the DiaryFamily, and I will be enjoying a traditional feast shortly. We truly have much to be thankful for.

I received several additional suggestions following the changes I made to the chapter screen last night – thanks for those, I appreciate them. I’ve added two things that were suggested:

First, the description for a chapter that is selected will appear at the top of the entry list on the right side of the screen. This seems like a good place for it.

Second, I’ve added the other chapter descriptions as ALTs for the links in the list of chapters. This means that if you pause your mouse over a chapter name, the chapter description will pop up in a little window. It’s what we old VB programmers used to call a tooltip, but that word doesn’t mean anything to most of you (you’re lucky).

I am aware that there is a problem with the moving up and down of the chapters in the Chapter Manager. It works great sometimes, and then it seems to go haywire and won’t allow some chapters to be moved. I’ll try to take a look at this tonight.

A couple people also asked – if you delete a chapter, does that delete the entries in it? No, the entries simply revert to being assigned to no chapter if you delete it.

That’s all for now – for those of you on holiday, enjoy!

The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

Enjoy you’re thanksgiving! 🙂

‘ and e 😉

Sheesh, go have some turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving! : )

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

They should be TITLE tags, not ALT tags you idiot. Go ask the w3c. ALT tags are for when images don’t render. TITLE tags are for tooltips. I tried to report a bug yesterday and I got an ASP error. I gave up. I’ll try again now.

Yep, ADODB.Command error ‘800a0d5d’ Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation. /reportsave.asp, line 25

Go to a diary chapter with more than 30 entries (like 2001 on mine). Click the link at the bottom right to go to the beginning of the chapter. It says you should see entries 1-30, but none are showing. Click Next. Now you should see 31-60, but none are showing. If you start at the end and work your way backwards, they work fine.

Ya know, I’ve submitted at least 3 error reports and never heard back other than the automated reply. This is exactly why I tell people to stay away from OD.

When will we be able to delete our diaries?

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 🙂

I’m curious as to why I have pop-ups coming up when I have a paid OD subscription. I was under the impression that paying was how you got the pop-ups to go away, along with other things. Any response to to this would be much appreciated.

you should not be worrying about this site on thanksgiving. go away!!!

Hi, I just realized today that the Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual circle doesn’t include transvestites which I think isn’t right considering GLBT people are usually a community. I was wondering if you would consider changing it, so that transvestites / transgenders have a place to go as well.

I have to appologize for my last note. The pop-ups were not because of OD, they were because of the internet service provider. I just don’t see them with my computer because I have a pop-up blocker, while my parents, whose computer I am using, don’t have one. Again, I am sorry.

I would like to request that the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual circle’s name be changed to Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender. It was brought to my attention earlier today and I wanted to write to support this request. Thank you ~me

what the hell i am going to sue you!!! what’s with this stupid god-damned session time out trash?!? i went to save my entry. and you know what? that entry meant a lot to me. it was the best thing i have written in a long long long time. it had all my feeling and everything in it, and then i go to save and there’s this lame “session timeout” thing. like what is up with that? seriously.

and there’s like NO way to get my entry back now! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i’m super pissed off. you should really get rid of that time out thing. you don’t know how many entries i have lost because of that. this one just happened to be the MOST important! it’s unfair that just cause it takes a really really long time to write an entry that we can’t save it. jeez. nothing against you.

just against that stupid stupid stupid time out thing. this site is awesome, minus all the annoying things. i want my entry back!!!!

God bless you diary master

I’m not sure if this is where this note is supposed to go, but I’d like to urge you to add “Transgendered” to the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual circle. Let’s not overlook this group even more!

I was working on putting my entries into chapters and I’ve noticed that if you go into edit an entry that isn’t been assigned a chapter yet, it doesn’t allow you to save any changes made to it because those options are not there. Can that be fixed so we can put the chapter assignments on there, so we can read through the entry first to make sure it goes into the correct one??

Oh DiaryMaster *hides head in shame* I am sooooo terribly sorry, it’s me again. I opened up another browser and tried logging in and out Diary A then to Diary B. And everything is okay now. It works properly and the favourites list doesn’t get mixed up. I still got the dodgy browser open where I had problems, I tried logging in and out of that browser…and it still has the problem. On that

dodgy browser…the colours for the drop down list menu bar are a pinky colour i.e. “read diaries”, “find authors” and “help” are pink instead of the beige/sand colour. I tried refreshing the page, but it still stays pink. Sorry, I really am waffling on here and writing crap. Sorry!!

DiaryMaster, you’re going to kill me. Oh dear, sorry. I didn’t read ur diary description. I just saw it. I meant to use the “Report a Problem” link and not write my problem in here. I’m so sorry!! Sorry!!

There’s a special young diarist here, Savanah, whose birthday it is today. She has leukemia. Would you mind going over to her diary and wishing her a happy birthday? It would be a lovely surprise for her 🙂 Thanks,

Just a suggestion but could you possible put time in your Extremely busy schedule to change one of the circles from Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual to Gay/Lesbian/Bisexua/Transexual…..Its more appropriate i think. So do many others. Just a request is all 😀 thanks -Tyler

Thank you so much!! 🙂 I was so excited to see the name change and you’ve made me so happy *gives you a big huggle* the glbt community loves you right about now 🙂 lol..not that we didnt love you before, but now we love you more 🙂

Hey my name is ria, I read your entry and I like it. Hoe you have a wonderful hoilday and a wonderful x-mas. holla.

When I saved my latest entry I had 150 characters left to write with but my entry was missing some at the end. I went back to edit it and added in what was mising, saved it again but it was still missing the end of the entry. In the end I had to shorten my entry. Why is this happening if it said I still have over 150 characters left to write with?

I’m kind of new, but I don’t know if I understand completely about the chapter stuff. I’ve been looking, but I don’t see how to manage my chapters or something. I feel REALLY dumb asking, but I am confused. Maybe you can just explain a lil more to me?!

This has nothing to do with your entry, but I am wondering why my diary front page will not show up?