Theme of the Week 1 – If you could pick any place in the world to live, where would it be?

I’ve had a few people ask about bringing back Theme of the Week, and I think that’s a great idea!

So today, we will start with the first one, see below. The mechanism will be a little different than on the old site – because thanks to us have tags on our entries, we can organize Theme of the Week entries easily! So, when you post your Theme of the Week entry, be sure to go to the bottom of the editing screen and add a tag (if you haven’t done this before, just click where it says “Add your tags here.” and then type in “TOTW1” (next week we will use TOTW2, and so on.

Theme of the Week 1 : If you could pick any place in the world to live, where would that be?

I picked a simple one this week – maybe we will get into a bit more deep thought as more people come onboard the site 🙂

I guess the point of this question is, where would you live, if you eliminated all the other reasons you have for living where you do? We all have reasons of family, job, nostalgia, a million other things, to live in the place that we do – but if I took all that away, I would live someplace on a beach on an ocean. With palm trees – there is something magical about palm trees that transports me and makes me believe I am in an exotic locale. DiaryMistress would be there, and we would have a bedroom that looks out at the ocean, with a window that would frame the sunset every day.

In my head, it’s really a South Seas island (again, removing all the other reasons for not living in a place without modern conveniences) with peace and quiet, just the sound of the waves to wake up to every day. But there’d also have to be an easy and instantaneous way to get out of the peace and quiet and back to “civilization”. I don’t want to be isolated all the time!

Oh and there’d have to be high-speed Internet access, and some good restaurants, and the rest of my family would have to be able to visit easily, and so forth 🙂

Update: I should have added this above, when we are using tags like this, you can easily see all the entries with that tag (in this case, all the entries for this Theme) by clicking the tag at the bottom of the entry (down there, the purple box that says “#TOTW1”).

That will take you to this page: where you can see all the entries for the theme.

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December 12, 2017


Fanning Island… ( one of the most remote places on earth, an isolated speck in the vast South Pacific well over 1,000 miles south of Hawaii and more than 500 miles north of Tahiti… Fanning is part of the Republic of Kiribati (formerly the Gilberts), and its capital, Tarawa, lies far to the west, more than 2,000 miles away, with nothing but open water in between…

December 12, 2017

Thank You for adding the theme of the week. I really have to think on this one, since I haven’t been that many places, but, one, comes to mind, as it always does. Perhaps I will write about it. :*)

December 15, 2017

I’m not sure where to leave this note – it’s about how grateful I am to be able to go back and read my old entries. It is such incredible magic. The notes from all the long lost people – the memories, even the photos that sometimes crop up. In a sense I always expected OD would come back, that it wasn’t really gone. I had faith. And it’s been rewarded. Thank you. It was a very special time in and part of my life. I’m so glad to have it back.

December 15, 2017

Thanks @womaninthemoon it is so great to be back, but especially great to have all these people here again. Thanks for having faith!

December 16, 2017

ryn: Reaching the beach after entering the Sleeping Bear park involves an arduous trek up and down sand dunes for miles and miles. It’s insane. One day in August 2012 I said to myself, “what if I just drive west till I get to Lake Michigan? After all, there is no danger of missing the lake and ending up in Wisconsin.” And that’s how I found Empire and Empire’s beach. Empire used to be a big port when floating on Lake Michigan was the only way to travel. Now it’s this conflicted little tourist town where the locals don’t like tourists and refuse to build parking lots and public facilities. I like it because hardly anybody goes there, unlike Traverse City which must have been a nice place when just Indians lived there but now there’s just to damb many crowded roads and crowded crowds.

December 16, 2017

@sleepygene yes, Traverse was a beautiful town back in the day, but I haven’t been there in forever and I hear it is very touristy now. I’ve been to Sleeping Bear of course, but will have to check the map for Empire, sounds intriguing. Thanks!

December 17, 2017

I love sunsets. And sunrises.

December 18, 2017

I would love to live in Germany again, now that I’m a widow and my family is there, but when I think about how Germans are to disabled and obese people, no thanks. Alaska maybe….