So I guess I gotta use Firefox

So I am due for an update aren’t I?  

Google Chrome apparently doesn’t want to allow me to edit my entries….so Here I am on Firefox, because IE is still the worst fucking browser to ever have been created.  So where exactly should I begin?

You all missed out on my father being a pompous jackass on Thanksgiving. He apparntrently blew the fuck up in the morning because things weren’t up to his absurd standards. I came home and my mother was clearly upset and he wasn’t home or was sitting on his ass. He complained about everything no matter how fucking small, and was sooo fucking ridiculous. He bitched about shit that he did, but clearly it couldn’t be his fault…he couldn’t possibly contribute, and he would sit on his ass all day while my mother and I dealt with the shit he complained about regardless of if it were his shit or not. And then he started to go off on my mother again, and I stepped in and he said to me in a very condescending manner, "I’m not going to argue with you."   I almost lost it with that….but my mother told me to drop it, so I did…but I dare him to speak to me like that again. He fucking knows that he can not out wit me. If he ever gets into an argument with me, he will be the one ending up feeling like a fucking dipshit. I am on another level. I see people’s bullshit and I am very good at calling them out on it. So, then he started nagging my mother about dinner. He upset her so badly and she was dealing with the shit that he was bitching about that she didnt feel like cooking the turkey and what not, which made sense to me and nobody minded except for him. So I took over dealing with all the shit he bitched about, while she cooked. Fucking asshole. She told him if he wanted the turkey he could make it himself. But noooo  without being outright sexist…he was pretty sexist. His wife had to do the cooking and cleaning and such. While he sat on his ass. Then he went to get my sister, and was almost late getting back, so I was almost late for work on Thanksgiving….which was kinda crazy having just learned the basics of cashiering….so yikes. That being said…I got complimented many times by the cus-…guests. They don’t like us to call customers customers. Then Friday was even easier. Surprisingly enough.   And at the end of the day Kim, the cashier manager asked me if I would be interested in staying on board if she recommended me. So I said yeah, I’d consider it.  Then yesterday..Monday…I had training on the sales floor for the first real time. Lauren was my trainer…she had a large part of the store to be responsible for and was sick and had to train me. But she did great…things were pretty simple. And she thinks I’ll probably be offered a job, because in her words, I am on of the stronger trainees. Apparently she’s trained a bunch of people that stood around and watched her or hovered around right on her heels without really doing anything. So employment-wise…I’ll probably being working there for a little while. Ummm, what else was there with work?   Ummm…I think one of the people there owns a few dogs I knew from the kennel. I have to remember to ask her if they are the ones that I knew. Ummm….Oh, while working at zoning/shutting down the store…Lauren and…I wanna say…Tracey? Or something like that…were talking about how terrible it is working there…like the managers are all ridiculous and how so many people have quit and what not…so that was pretty entertaining hearing. But, doesn’t concern me…the job is pretty full on temporary. Oh and one of the dudes there is pretty cool. We talked about Marvel vs DC, and then he hadn’t seen the midseason finale of TWD…which for the record…OMFG!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Basically my response to that episode. Without spoils. So work is alright so far.


Alright so now I got some pics that I never uploaded so I figured I’d get these out of the way lol.

So first we got some Squirt…or Squirtle as I call him lol.   First are of him running at me and jumping at me. We had fun lol.  Then he was just waking up and groggy. Then A few of Squirtle discovering Darwin’s grave.

This….this is my friends’ house. This is the screen that I watch movies and ppvs on at their house. And game on as well while I’m there. Guess what…its fucking amazing

Reilly  and Rocky 

Tried to get a good picture of Rocky…this 1 was good and then…well….Squirtle got a bit jealous lol.

Keegan…the nephew…adores Roxie…and he really is gentle…poor Rox….she tries to tolerate him. lol I like how in the second one she is looking at me to save her lol.  


This is how she lays sometimes….Under the covers, head on the pillow, and back to back with me.  It looks like I am crushing her but she is sooo comfortable right there. Tell me my princess isn’t adorable…I love her sooo much.


<img width="400" height="533" src="; alt="

” />This is the inside of my friend’s rig that I put together for him. It’s a pretty machine.  We named her Patricia lol  And here you have the big black friend that is the proud new owner of a serious powerhouse of a gaming pc.


Now on to the part that you all probably wont like…considering I do tend to make her look pretty bad lol  But I trust you all to know that I wouldnt keep her around if she wasn’t worth it. Or if it were all bad like it seems sometimes on here. Trust me when I say that, while I make her seem like a real bitch on here….the majority of the time…we are ridiculously good with each other. Keep in mind that this is where I go to vent and rage…so she makes me mad…I’ll write about it here…she makes me happy…I’m more than likely gonna keep talking to her because I’m enjoying her. So I don’t write about her good traits as much as I should. I do love her lol.  And quite frankly…whether she ever decides to admit it or not…she loves me. Probably more than she will ever admit. So, here’s what happened. I lost my temper with her and I still stand by all that I said. I worry about the possibility of losing her again. She means a lot to me. And I blew up over it being him…but I may have lost my temper a bit too much lol.  And her, being a lot like me, got mad that I got mad and struck back. We both like to win and we both are ridiculously confident in the fact that the other will miss us first. If she bails…she’ll end up missing me and I’ll end up missing her. We can say that we won’t but again whether she admits it or not…she knows she’d miss me. And she knows that I would miss her, and she knows that both of us would be just fine without each other. Like I said before many times, it’s wanting people around that makes the biggest difference. And I am pretty sure she wants me around even if I piss her off or she pisses me off…we always end up falling right back into being great friends again. (Even if sometimes I hope for more lol…but only sometimes…at least that’s what I am sticking to lol)    So like 4 days passed of us not talking and she messaged me, so I asked what do you need? She replied with something like….do i need something to text you?   And my response was along the lines of I promised I’d be here if you needed me…you bailed so I just assumed you needed something.  Then she told me that she never hung out with dipshit because of me. And that I mean more to her than him. She told me about how she hung out with him awhile ago (and I knew nothing about it at the time) at some football game or some shit and he tried to kiss her and she stopped him and stopped talking to him and she tried to be civil and stuff like that…so I was right….I was right about him definitely trying something….I was just a little late, because I didn’t know about that incident lol So of course we fell right back into being close again. It’s far too easy with her sometimes lol 😛   But she did show that she cares. We talked a bit and we are good again…because you know our friendship is an odd one. 

She also is making some poster to use as an example for the kids at her work because the kids are going to make ones themselves. And This is what she has so far lol.   Yeah, Idc if you know her name now lol 😛   but I got a spot on her poster, so that’s nice. I asked her if that was me over there, and her response was along the lines of It’s a me poster so of course I had to put something to symbolize you on it.   So yeah…I still don’t think she’ll ever really admit it but she loves me 😛 lol     How many of you actually see which thing there represents me lol…it’s pretty easy lol .

She drives me fucking insane sometimes, but I do love her.


What else is there to write about?  Ummm I’ve been playing a fucking LOT of Battlefield 4….far far faaaaar better than COD Ghosts.  Ummm, I’m hatching eggs and breeding starters in Pokemon Y…I’m going to do a wonder trade on Christmas every hour..assuming I hatch everyone by then lol  maybe some eevees with stones    I just wanna do something for the gaming world on Christmas lol    I need to buy State of Decay and live stream that a little bit lol.

Ummm fantasy football…I jumped to 1st place from 2nd this week. I’m 10-4 and second and third are like 9-3.  One has more points by like 60 and the other I have more than by like 100+   Playoff spot clinched…If I win next week I clinch 1st going into the playoffs. Not sure what else there is to write about honestly….So with that…

Good night…much love…and all that other shit.

King out.

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December 3, 2013

If you don’t want to use firefox, opera works pretty well with OD; or if you’re on a mac, safari is what I use and I never have any problems. Your family holiday dinners sound like what mine were like the majority of my life. It sucks to be limited on what you can actually do about things even when they get hurtful and out of hand like that. I wish you the best.